Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mr. Buddy's 283 is ready to stab back in his truck now.
MR BUDDY's 283.jpg
I think our local NWS weather station may have had a bit of a technical difficulty today. According to the long range chart, we had a consistent wind "gust" at 41 mph that lasted 50 minutes :lol:
This is my Beetle. Was totaled in early 1972 with 1,045.6 miles on it-I have all the documentation for it. Really need to find a good solid drivers door but not having much luck.



Hey all passing through and hanging with the granddaughter tonight. Her Mom is working the new job during the week and home on the weekends getting her local house ready to sell. She is in her new house working after work painting getting ready to move in. Carlisle plans took a turn Cheryl's mom is not doing well so guess I'll be going solo. I'd cancel but need to go and delivery all my extra car parts I've already sold. Hope all is well see you in Carlisle.
Where's Eric? @71GSSDemon If you are looking for a B Body 8 3/4. FOR SALE - 8-3/4 rear end Drum to Drum
Hey Mike. Thanks for the tag. No, I am good for rear axle. I am off this week, so trying to get as much done on the Charger as I can. Got all of the gussets made and welded in, the center console is fully welded. More to do but making great progress. Should be ready to paint the chassis by the weekend. Not sure when it will be painted, but will be ready. Then wire and plumb it.




Hey all passing through and hanging with the granddaughter tonight. Her Mom is working the new job during the week and home on the weekends getting her local house ready to sell. She is in her new house working after work painting getting ready to move in. Carlisle plans took a turn Cheryl's mom is not doing well so guess I'll be going solo. I'd cancel but need to go and delivery all my extra car parts I've already sold. Hope all is well see you in Carlisle.
Let me talk to boss lady. You clearly are gonna need some kind of supervision.