Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's Flamin' Friday!


Good morning :D
Yeah it's still flamin' just to the east of us. Over 3000 firefighters workin' it with 28 copters helping. I saw LA and Orange County crews in town yesterday, heard there's even some crews from outa state helpin' out.
Yeah it's still flamin' just to the east of us. Over 3000 firefighters workin' it with 28 copters helping. I saw LA and Orange County crews in town yesterday, heard there's even some crews from outa state helpin' out.
Wounder if we might get any smoke over here from the fire.
All the insurance stuff is done!
$200 a year, includes lay-away. Im happy with that.

This is too coincidental to ignore. I just found this by accident looking for hot rod stuff in SoCal.
It's where I was raised in the desert. It's on the same asphalt we used to cruise on a nightly basis.
Biggest coincidence, it's the same weekend as my 50th High School Reunion.
Back from camping in the high country. On the deck drinking coffee, weather guessers say 100deg today through Sunday. Already at 84 deg here. Need to open up my shop so it stays a little cool to get my Barracuda cleaned up for a Mopar show tomorrow. Local Mopar dealer is putting it on.
Back from camping in the high country. On the deck drinking coffee, weather guessers say 100deg today through Sunday. Already at 84 deg here. Need to open up my shop so it stays a little cool to get my Barracuda cleaned up for a Mopar show tomorrow. Local Mopar dealer is putting it on.
High Country? So there was a little brush fire in the cannabis groves? :rolleyes: :lol: