Stop in for a cup of coffee

Coffee's up. Morning Steph

Good morning everyone. Still feeling a bit off. I wonder if I caught a bug on Sunday? BP is higher than it has been, and that all started on Monday. My team member at work is really sick, covid. But he has been home since last Thursday. I dont know. Sleep as much as I can and fluids I guess. Work frowns on naps, so I will wait until later. Coffee now
Ok, I'll be alright now, coffee and breakfast already made as wife cooked bacon and boiled some eggs yesterday, she spoils me : )
Good morning everyone. Still feeling a bit off. I wonder if I caught a bug on Sunday? BP is higher than it has been, and that all started on Monday. My team member at work is really sick, covid. But he has been home since last Thursday. I dont know. Sleep as much as I can and fluids I guess. Work frowns on naps, so I will wait until later. Coffee now
Shoot Eric, yeah rest up and coffee is a fluid : )
Looks like the Jackpine fire near my sisters' houses is getting contained, 80% anyway and they lowered the evacuation level from "be set" to "be ready", think it goes ready set go.
So I guess my new dog Lexi and her Buddy Taz across the street took down a coyote yesterday. So much for thinking she is a bit wimpy I guess? Happened at Jaquies across the street.


Buyer of my Klipschorns sent me a note that he has the speakers all set up and they are sounding great. While I am enjoying the Cornwalls we traded for (plus $2600) they don't fill the shop the same. I am glad they went to a good home and to someone who appreciates them, another step in the downsize.


Buyer of my Klipschorns sent me a note that he has the speakers all set up and they are sounding great. While I am enjoying the Cornwalls we traded for (plus $2600) they don't fill the shop the same. I am glad they went to a good home and to someone who appreciates them, another step in the downsize.

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A friend's brother had Klipschorns with the full Macintosh set up. Was crazy nice.
A friend's brother had Klipschorns with the full Macintosh set up. Was crazy nice.
I'm sure that was! This guy is also running the blue stuff, a bit past my price point, maybe someday. For me it's the Fischer 800C, an old tube receiver, arguably the best tube receiver ever built but still not separates.