Stop in for a cup of coffee

Love these, I see two next to each other on Pettit Jean Mt every year, the kitchen in the back are so cool, to see a car hauler like that would be gorgeous out on the road and parked , great idea
Yea Mike it got me thinking about doing that. It's a great idea.
I never thought of such a think but it does need painted. I bet they have to paint that often
I bet there are 50 painters on the average cruise ship. And probably 500 gallons of primer/paint/varnish in stock.
Morning fellers and fellets, cold one this morning a mear 12 deg out. Oatmeal for breakfast then the wife unit wants to go talk to our banker.
No rain no snow no frost, what more could a guy ask for in late november?
2018 the river was near frozen right across,none so far this year.
Got the wheel tub extensions yesterday. Floor patches all done, need to lie on my back and clean up the under/top side. Support next.
The neighbor is a real ***. So many stories. I am going to go around and mark my property lines Thanksgiving. Won't help but I may try to do something to get it stopped. I was sitting in my yard around my campfire when the police showed up then the SWAT team and removed him from his house. He still gets to keep his guns.
I am sure you have thought about a multitude of solutions but at only two acres a severe fence may be a solution? Does not sound like he is the kind of guy willing to exert the effort to manage nasty wire on top to fetch a downed deer? Bad neighbors just plain suck. We have one that is from California and married an Arkansas boy. He died she lived and is a complete and total PITA. No offense Tim but she personifies all things California and anti firearm or hunting beliefs. Oddly enough I was training a security team at the school where her child attends with local PD and ran across her in the lobby. She acted like she did not even know me. Funny how folks are not fans of LEO till they need one then cry because our response time is to slow. Rant over

My back hurts looking at it though :lol:

Back from Wallymart. Les $100 on not much then another $50 for a winter coat for the new dog. Tractor supply lets you bring the dog in so it is way easier. Got her a Carhart! Pretty cool
Cooking right along, floor support almost all welded in. Had to turn off pellet stove, getting way too hot in here. Partly because im keeping office door closed, so it stays cooler where compressor is.
Thanks. Been there and cleaned up. The guy already got a mulligan because his first attempt wasn't in a sale forum. :mob: :mob:
I tried the simple ask about price, but looks like he's not watching.

"SOOOO whadda ya think _______ is worth?? "

See those a lot. They can go in a number of directions. Especially anything flagged as a "Commando"
I don't know if I told you all that my youngest son is in prison for just stupid **** that we got away with when we were teenagers.
He's been in prison for about a year and a half serving a 5-year sentence. They are letting him out early like the end of next month and he will be living with me so they have to inspect my house Friday morning to make sure I have a clean slate I guess.
According to his case worker he is a role model and doesn't need to be in prison, but I knew that and everyone in town knows him and likes him for being just a great kid. I'm really looking forward in having my son stay with me and I'll have someone to give a bad time to that will give it right back. I have no skeletons in my closet or on my computer or phone so let them inspect my house and my private life as much as they want. Me and my youngest.
