Stop in for a cup of coffee

Been out in the garage peeling off 60 year old undercoating off fenders. That stuff sticks good had to get the air hammer to chisel it off. lol
Been out in the garage peeling off 60 year old undercoating off fenders. That stuff sticks good had to get the air hammer to chisel it off. lol
My oscillating tool worked awesome, i smoothed the teeth off a saw blade to make a scraper
What would cause two Mopar brand Jeep radiators to break in the exact same spot 7 months apart?

:lol: Made me Google a disaster movie from years back. I had no luck finding it. One of the scenes in the flick was the President (fictional) making a speech from a podium next to the runway at Barstow-Dagget Airport with the Pacific Ocean's surf breaking on the other side of the runway. That 7.3 up north today may have had some influence on my search as well :lol: Barstow-Dagget is the nearest airport to the old homeland. Good place to leave from for chasing jack rabbits across dry lakes :lol: More than once crawled under the rental aircraft to remove scraps of creosote bushes from the landing gear :realcrazy::eek:.