Stop in for a cup of coffee

Afternoon Fellers and fellet. Went on a drive with the wife unit to Phantom Canyon. It's the old narrow-gauge railroad Rought from Cripple creek and Victor to Canon City.







Guy locally has a 78 trail duster with the removable top for sale, 318 4x4 auto. Wants 8k firm. I’ve looked it over, floors are gone underneath and frame under the spring shackles are Swiss cheese
I had one from a friend, bought for the engine only. opened drivers door and it had to drop at least six inches. It was fun trying to close the door, lifting it and the A pillar up with a big push in.
I had one from a friend, bought for the engine only. opened drivers door and it had to drop at least six inches. It was fun trying to close the door, lifting it and the A pillar up with a big push in.
I want one bad
The Dog from DOGE has a Falcon 9 all set to go from So. Vandenberg in about 6 hours. Might effect Jimmy Kimmels monologue :lol: locally. The launch that was scheduled for the complex just over a couple hills from the house has been postponed until sometime later this month :wtf: Delayed due to range conflict. Weather is not good for watching launches anyway.
Well the lift party tomorrow hasn't been cancelled, it's been shortened tho......buyer informs me they are taking it home whole : ) Off the Island, across Deception Pass Bridge, I'll have my wife keep an eye on her local Facebook page