Stop in for a cup of coffee

Black Dissipates heat, but probably not appropriate for Mopars, Especially numbers cars or those that want to look original.
All my Mopar engines are the correct color. I believe, it has more to do with the cooling system anyhow, concerning heat generation.
this is interesting, I have never heard of color heat dissipation theories before.

now you guys added something for to think about and lose sleep over.
All my Mopar engines are the correct color. I believe, it has more to do with the cooling system anyhow, concerning heat generation.
Im gonna be running a HUGE radiator and improved air flow too it.
this is interesting, I have never heard of color heat dissipation theories before.

now you guys added something for to think about and lose sleep over.
This also why most modern day inboard marine engines are painted Black.
Wow, the coffee house is busy this afternoon......what's the topic.....let me guess, guy stuff, right.

I need to back read like 2 days now

Yep always seems to be guy stuff. Lord knows I've tried my best to start other topics.
Like what's the best way to get SKID marks out of Tightie Whities.
But those subjects seem to fall on deaf ears.
In other news.... apparently there's now a big push to make it legal for women to go topless in public... reason is gender equality or so they say. ..... I have no issue with this
In other news.... apparently there's now a big push to make it legal for women to go topless in public... reason is gender equality or so they say. ..... I have no issue with this
I have seen this Often in Europe !! Especially at the Baths/Pools. Mostly Eastern Europe.
I have seen this Often in Europe !! Especially at the Baths/Pools. Mostly Eastern Europe.
Yeah. Very common over there....this would be one European concept I wouldn't object to cloning over here
After seeing the way some people dress I would rather they keep covered. Plus a little mystery is a good thing.
Yeah.. Just imagine some perv (Ben) walking up to some fine lady, and taking ahold !!:lol: