Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here ya go Rani !!! Santa Clause Framed !!
This one's for Ben !! Broke away from my chains long enough to witness the Daisy Duke's Contest !!
Ok seriously this **** is getting old. It's happened 5 times in an hour now. Joey needs to fix this before I agree to give him 40 bucks to go Gold. It understand adds and stuff, but this is getting beyond reasonable. Especially when it locks your phone and you have to restart.......

Only happens on fabo so I know it's a fabo setting.
This one's for Ben !! Broke away from my chains long enough to witness the Daisy Duke's Contest !!View attachment 1714951751 View attachment 1714951752 View attachment 1714951753 View attachment 1714951754 View attachment 1714951755
That is hilarious, an aisian Daisy Duke.

Then her mouth movement wouldn't match the audio when she says "go get em Dukes"

Instead of a road runner or jeep, it would be a vintage Celica or landcruiser.

Instead of Steak and beer at the boar's nest, it would coconut juice with a Tofu patty
Ok seriously this **** is getting old. It's happened 5 times in an hour now. Joey needs to fix this before I agree to give him 40 bucks to go Gold. It understand adds and stuff, but this is getting beyond reasonable. Especially when it locks your phone and you have to restart.......

Only happens on fabo so I know it's a fabo setting.

View attachment 1714951765
um - that says **** - not Mopar... :poke: - nooow we know why you use a phone instead of a computer.... and why you miss so many posts on here...
um - that says **** - not Mopar... :poke: - nooow we know why you use a phone instead of a computer....
Haha nope. Never used my phone for that. Not even once.

Besides, I'm still in the phase of marriage where that's not required hahaha
That is hilarious, an aisian Daisy Duke.

Then her mouth movement wouldn't match the audio when she says "go get em Dukes"

Instead of a road runner or jeep, it would be a vintage Celica or landcruiser.

Instead of Steak and beer at the boar's nest, it would coconut juice with a Tofu patty

What a snarky sense of humor we have today!!! I love it...
Plus this is a brand new phone I just got 2 hours ago hahahaha