Stop in for a cup of coffee

Could it be something worn in the front end??? U-joint???

If it comes in at one speed and goes out at another, then it is harmonic - which is usually a balance issue or loose/worn component...

Try to determine what engine or road speed it kicks in and goes away... Does it happen in all gears at that RPM, or just hi gear???
It's the engine. Not the drive line or the front end. It happens under light throttle, any gear. When you give it gas it runs smooth. It's been running this way since I bought it.
It does stink, never really had any interaction with him but seems like a great member.

Curtis is a stand up guy. He organized getting some lumber to build a wheel chair ramp for one of our members Bruce, who was fighting cancer and fell off his front porch. Then he drove from Ocala, Florida to Atlanta, GA to build it one weekend with a group of other members... Besides that, he pulled one of those "old people" scooters for him that weekend as a surprise (I have no idea how he did that with the small budget he had to work with - the donations for the materials barely covered the costs of the lumber/screws/nails...)

Bruce was another great member that also started the Dart GT Registry and was an expert on the Dart GT's. Bruce would help out anyone that needed it. Unfortunately, Bruce passed within 6 months of building the ramp.

Curtis has amazing talent with cars. He converted a 4 door station wagon to a 2 door and it looked like the factory did it. He did a build on a car once and did all of the body work within 2-3 weeks..

We were able to stop and have a burger with him when we drove to Orlando once for vacation.. It was good to meet him in person - very nice guy...
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Good morning guys. Didn't mean to disappear yesterday while y'all were trying to help me but medical people are calling me about my Dad. He's slowly going downhill, he has some bleeding, probably ulcers he's had before, we gave consent for them to look and possibly fix them. At this point you can't really feel confident about decisions you make...
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Word is they expect 1500 people. I hope they run a tram car, cause there ain't parking for even close to that many people. We are at the end of a one way past the rally point.
Might have to either escape early or go to it.
Time to get out the posterboard and crayons! :rofl:

If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em....
Curtis is a stand up guy. He organized getting some lumber to build a wheel chair ramp for one of our members Bruce, who was fighting cancer and fell off his front porch. Then he from Ocala, Florida to Atlanta, GA to build it one weekend with a group of other members... Besides that, he pulled one of those "old people" scooters for him that weekend as a surprise (I have no idea how he did that with the small budget he had to work with - the donations for the materials barely covered the costs of the lumber/screws/nails...)

Bruce was another great member that also started the Dart GT Registry and was an expert on the Dart GT's. Bruce would help out anyone that needed it. Unfortunately, Bruce passed within 6 months of building the ramp.

Curtis has amazing talent with cars. He converted a 4 door station wagon to a 2 door and it looked like the factory did it. He did a build on a car once and did all of the body work within 2-3 weeks..

We were able to stop and have a burger with him when we drove to Orlando once for vacation.. It was good to meet him in person - very nice guy...

I forgot about the scooter he got for Bruce. That was a big thing he did, bringing all that lumber, and then some other members (chyer) got that ramp built in one day and a beautiful ramp it was.
It's the engine. Not the drive line or the front end. It happens under light throttle, any gear. When you give it gas it runs smooth. It's been running this way since I bought it.

Ok, at least you know where it's coming from...

Most likely in ignition or carb...
Good morning guys. Didn't mean to disappear yesterday while y'all were trying to help me but medical people are calling me about my Dad. He's slowly going downhill, he has some bleeding, probably ulcers he's had before, we gave permission for them to look and possibly fix them. At this point you can't really feel confident about decisions you make...

Hopefully they can find what's going on and get it fixed...
Good morning guys. Didn't mean to disappear yesterday while y'all were trying to help me but medical people are calling me about my Dad. He's slowly going downhill, he has some bleeding, probably ulcers he's had before, we gave consent for them to look and possibly fix them. At this point you can't really feel confident about decisions you make...
all good - we're here... sorry to hear about your pop... it certainly isn't easy - ever
I forgot about the scooter he got for Bruce. That was a big thing he did, bringing all that lumber, and then some other members (chyer) got that ramp built in one day and a beautiful ramp it was.

Yes, and some @ss hat on the forum accused him of pocketing some of the donation money after that... :icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU:

That was not right, it hurt Curtis to be accused of that... Even if there was some money left over, it wasn't much, I don't have a problem with him using it for gas money for the trip...

But even then pulling that buggy out of his hat was amazing, I don't know how he did that with the budget he had... He had to dip into his own pocket to get the buggy...

They had a good crew of 6 - 10 people show up for the ramp build and were able to get it done in a day... RRR was another one of the volunteers to help build it...

Since I was too far to help build it, I helped with a donation, and also bought them some Chicago deep dish pizza, half baked and FedEx'ed it to them for the day of the build... It cost me 2 1/2 times more to ship it than it cost for the pizza... :BangHead:
Hello Anders. I gotta run get a haircut (or them all cut...) and off to a job fair...