Stop in for a cup of coffee

that moment when you regret goofing off your last semester of college :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
I only went through one year of college. My best memory was the final exam for canoeing course, which was a day-long paddle, I made a jug of screwdrivers, and this cool girl who wore glasses who was my partner brought some other "stuff," at the end the instructor said "you really look wasted," but I got an A.

Be proud you stuck with it Chris, whatever you're regretting can't be as bad as "just wanted you let you all know, your entrees are coming, I am so sorry, it really is taking much longer than it should, thank you for your patience, I'm doing everything I can." LOL!
im trying to apply for my masters..... i'm .06 GPA points below the required cut off