Stop in for a cup of coffee

hey, what's Christmas without a buttload of stress!!?
yeah yeah

hate to say it, but i think i should have listened to my Mormon friend that I serve in the guard with. He's been trying to convince me for years to do what they do, stock up on food to have a full years supply, that sure would make this a little less stressful
I asked Santa for a blue eyed redhead for Christmas.. I may not have been specific enough.. I may be horribly surprised by what I get!!
Having a big brunch at work tomorrow. Eggs, Bacon, Sausage gravy and biscuits, taters and waffles.. I got to brave the grocery store here in a bit and load up.. Then I have to cook most of it tomorrow..
I asked Santa for a blue eyed redhead for Christmas.. I may not have been specific enough.. I may be horribly surprised by what I get!!