Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had a Pepsi explode inside my mini fridge a few weeks ago - what a friggin' mess - worst thing is I had to clean off the beers that are in there
My headliner in the cobalt is pepsied also the kid left a full can in there one summer in the holder and it erupted straight up, I will drive that until it rots out actually a good economy car.
The front end should go on Rons car today, finally got the bushings in they fought all the way just some painting of parts then it should be on the ground again, Kind of got him back for all the ideas on the pop, he wanted to clean the face of the axels up, why no idea so told him it would look better if he took the studs out!:rofl:He did!
I got one!

DaScamp Demon camber 2 Kitty.jpg
Bet if you parked it by a Chevy dealer for a day the hood would be gone, just a thought!
Stayed up late getting the engine in the dart. Gotta drop Ella off at preschool before I go to work. She woke up her brother who is just like his dad. Eyes open ready to go morning person. Tasha could sleep till noon everyday.
Get it started also?
Man there is some funny stuff in the acronym list on that link.