Stop in for a cup of coffee

Eye doc this morning. 8am appointment. Left eye is back to 20/20. Right is still an issue.
I only went back a page so I missed it I read in the present time not the past! Hopefully get the cars out of the shop today (cobalt and the F! car) and do some stuff in there today.
That dam dizziness has been hitting me pretty hard lately seems one good day and then three bad ones, just have to deal with it, all I can do.
That sucks. I get vertigo at times but I have meclizine for that. I can. drive arm has improved still not 100% never will be again.
So what did the air guard offer you? Keeping the same rank? I had to drop one but I was a e-6 at the time and actually now I am kind of glad they did, I would have been in a position of mentoring guys and it took a while to learn the Air force ways.
Keep my rank, time in rank, pretty much whatever job I want outside of pilot.
That sucks. I get vertigo at times but I have meclizine for that. I can. drive arm has improved still not 100% never will be again.
I am on the same 3 a day takes the edge off that is about it. I have a ton of stuff to do inside the house problem is they are all big project that used to take me say two weeks now it would be a year prob that's what gets to me. I do not even want to start them.
Mike, this is the meter I picked up, pretty cool little unit for automotive will do everything needed on a car.
I am on the same 3 a day takes the edge off that is about it. I have a ton of stuff to do inside the house problem is they are all big project that used to take me say two weeks now it would be a year prob that's what gets to me. I do not even want to start them.

Yep. Sure takes the fun out of starting anything.
Yes it does, really need to re do the downstairs bathroom, problem with that one some water was getting past the tiles for years I guess and underneath definitely needs a re do, remember I have logs under there for the main joists that's the *** pain!
I stopped doing stuff around here. Every time I want to do something my wife wants to hire someone instead. Paid 10k to have central air put in a few years back. I could have done it for less then half that. Ranch home straight drop down. Easy job.
Ray. Did you see the can't help some people joke I started in joke forum. I thought of a certain thong guy in here when I posted it.
My biggest issue is working overhead, just triggers the symptoms. I have some ceiling sheet rock that needs to be replaced in the living room and just cannot do it, been trying to get a hold of Barry @Alaskan_TA for a few days. He does it for work.
Fighter wings you will be deployed a lot, UAV wing not sure some times the maint guys deploy, usually controlled from here. No idea what a CAS is.