Stop in for a cup of coffee

crazy **** is - the store that has it is one town over from me.. I have called ALL over the dang place this morning..
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that it do - deep cycle gel batteries - yea, two of them.. 35amp hr.
So what is taking out the fuse? Place I worked a while back, we had a chair lift on stairway with gelcels. Always on trickle charge when parked. Was rarely used. Killed batteries in about a year if we didn't manually turn power off/on. If we didn't change them (no indicator to tell you either) and it tried to run on dying battery - it took out the control board. You think batteries are expensive? :BangHead:
So what is taking out the fuse? Place I worked a while back, we had a chair lift on stairway with gelcels. Always on trickle charge when parked. Was rarely used. Killed batteries in about a year if we didn't manually turn power off/on. If we didn't change them (no indicator to tell you either) and it tried to run on dying battery - it took out the control board. You think batteries are expensive? :BangHead:
my other BIL has been dicking around trying to diagnose what was/is wrong with it - after a month he decided the batteries were no good.. not taking a charge... I'm betting he did something trying to make it work that popped the fuse. Weird thing is, it was one of the first things I looked at and I swear it was good when I looked... I suppose I could have missed it
I bought new batteries for it Monday and when I installed them, nothing... :BangHead:. They were supposed to be fully charged and ready to go - - and they weren't (shocking I know). So I charged them up and tried again yesterday and still no go.. :wtf:!? So I finally decided to run the power straight (by-pass the fuse) and boom, it lite up and everything worked - took me a closer look at the fuse and SOB would ya look at that - :lol:
Well I'm out of the specialist appointment. No answers, just more questions. More tests to be done. He all but ruled out alcohol.
You are welcome. NOW I need the window stop for my 69. Any one? Cant put door back together without it being complete. :lol:
I could but dont want to have to redo it. I am Mr. redo but it is getting out of hand.
yeppers - saw that - but I really can't wait on it - need it to happen today or tomorrow - but thanks!
You know I ordered those new door panels from Classic Industries and had them the next day! Free shipping!
I am going for a quick run thru my local pick a part and see if I can get one. Later...