Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nuthin' wrong with that. I liked them pics, too. I always wanted me a 'vette, see.
Thinkin about sellin this one ??:eek::eek:
Morning Crabby's! I was just to funny last night but I definitely had a lead in, actually needed a good laugh. Mitch you should get a package today in the mail.
Thanks Ray.. Caps I guess. I'm just wrapping things up here this week. As you know , I'm going to Moundou T'Chad on Saturday.. I won't be back till the end of the month. Wish me safe travels. Not the safest place on the Planet...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Yup that's them, hey when is the day at your place? Really feel bad I cannot do it here.
Whatever day yours was , I guess. Didn't really get much of a response from the gang. I thought maybe they dropped it. I'm up for it tho.
I was going to do it the weekend before Carlisle so guys like Ben can experience it. July 8. Prob jam you up just getting back.
Just stopping in to say Good Morning. Dang, no coffee in the cupboard.
Try to get a answer from this group, good luck. I know I will be there and Ron, just sleep outside hopefully.
Try to get a answer from this group, good luck. I know I will be there and Ron, just sleep outside hopefully.
Got plenty of spare rooms here....And a Pool... Hey maybe I can get a Viet Female Barber to come ?
Going to try to bring the pop, have to re do the dist first want to put in a Mallory mechanical, dam thing wants to break another starter when it gets hot, have to have a good advance but want it almost zero at start. Sending the flashtube from the dizzy tester out today to get tested, Great guy at the dist place, has seriously helped me out.
Got all the parts for my 69 "Vert doors finally, got them assembled and looking great. Just need my new optima batt and a wash and its ready to cruise and car shows. :thumbsup: