Stop in for a cup of coffee

I found some cool banners for the garage and ordered them. 2' x 5' each. The first one is vintage...

Banner 2.jpg

Banner 3.jpg

Banner 4b.jpg

Banner 1.jpg
These banners put me at 65% complete on the artwork collection for the garage. I needed a few more large pieces to anchor the rest and these will do it.

I might need a few more intermediate size pieces and then I can finish the rest with smaller ones.
These banners put me at 65% complete on the artwork collection for the garage. I needed a few more large pieces to anchor the rest and these will do it. I might need a few more intermediate size pieces and then I can finish the rest with the smaller ones.
i might have BenFur banner i could donate!
LOL! Nah, send that one to Hoppy...he has a lot more wall space than I do and needs some stuff to put up.
Want any old farm field signs? I'm sure there's one or two of those laying around
These banners put me at 65% complete on the artwork collection for the garage. I needed a few more large pieces to anchor the rest and these will do it.

I might need a few more intermediate size pieces and then I can finish the rest with smaller ones.
Mopar Joe's garage walls.

Guy's !! another very hot and humid day here in northest Arkansas , will feel like 107 today as Tony heads this way.
I will thank you, I cooked two pork loins last night on the grill nice and slow , ready for breakfast or lunch .