Stop in for a cup of coffee

We just finished an annual audit and we did pretty well so we get to dress down and are allowed to bring food in for the rest of the week. LOL Prison life.
We got a bunch of stuff dumped on us today, have to have 90 drawings done by monday. Not happening
We got a bunch of stuff dumped on us today, have to have 90 drawings done by monday. Not happening did it a week or two ago and you set the goal higher.

I know that's what I was going to comment on. But I am having a good day and don't feel like arguing. LOL you saw how you were missed yesterday. did it a week or two ago and you set the goal higher.

I know that's what I was going to comment on. But I am having a good day and don't feel like arguing. LOL you saw how you were missed yesterday.
lol yeah yeah i feel loved :rolleyes:
Yup, Been a couple a hours now. But it is out. We'll look into it tomorrow. More BEER !!!
That's the environmentally correct breather system, re coats the asphalt as you drive, you get a break on registration in some states!