Stop in for a cup of coffee

Does it matter what kind of rice? I could go for some pork fried rice...
Yeah, I put it in rice...but I'm not sure the butter and soy sauce was a good idea.

Smells good though!
We got a bunch of stuff dumped on us today, have to have 90 drawings done by monday. Not happening did it a week or two ago and you set the goal higher.

I know that's what I was going to comment on. But I am having a good day and don't feel like arguing. LOL you saw how you were missed yesterday.

Chris f*cked up,. now he's the official "get the drawings done in a pinch guy".... :rolleyes:
After reading this story I thought, "that's not gonna last"....

A mutual friend introduced Alvin Mann to Gertrude Mokotoff at a gym in Middletown, N.Y. Eight years later, they both still work out there twice a week. He's 94, she's 98-and they just got married.
Yep, Hot and humid !! Dang skeeter's are bad as hell right now, I don't really have a bad prob with them here on the ridge, they stay out in the flat lands and rice and bean fields ..
A big *** fan is my best friend out on the deck, that is where I enjoy a smoke