Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here we are out enjoying a number :usflag:

Went and looked at that Nova. Opted out of doing any work on it. He installed qtr skins. Flanged and trimmed in an odd way and bugger welded in with bodyfiller smeared over them. Warped all to hell. Basically needs 2 quarter skins and start over.
Not sure what he was thinking. Cut the bottom rocker parts off the qtr skin fore and aft of the wheel opening and just put the middle section in down the side of the car. So 2 weld seams down the side. Would need lots of plastic. There are easier and neater ways to do it.
Not sure what he was thinking. Cut the bottom rocker parts off the qtr skin fore and aft of the wheel opening and just put the middle section in down the side of the car. So 2 weld seams down the side. Would need lots of plastic. There are easier and neater ways to do it.
I hope they are enjoying there time as they work/play together, and I bet 10 to 1 that @MOPARMITCH has a dandy breakfast going about now :thumbsup: