Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning Gents,looking forward to another day of humor which I know is coming

Nurse asked if she could do anything, I said I'd like some coffee... the brew the nurses drink is way more high-caffeine than what comes with breakfast.
Hey David how you doing today?

Feel great, Ray, thanks! My first meal set well on me, gotta be sure I poop like I should (hence the reason I asked for the strong nurses coffee. ) Gave up getting Drs to say when they'll let me go but the nurse said yesterday that someone has it in the computer my "expected discharge date" is tomorrow!
Morning everybody!
Windy. Wish it would calm down, need to replace door on my canvas shelter.
It's Jon. Life has been really tough, between illness, hurricane damage and work issues. But I am getting back on my feet. The Duster is safe in the garage so thank the Lord for that! Just taking things one day at a time and hoping I can start sleeping normally again. How have you been?
oops - knew I was probably wrong - took a shot at it Jon. I was in Florida on vacation when Irma came-a calling - cut our stay in half! Plus my mom lives in Naples and they essentially took a direct hit - it's been a time for sure.