Stop in for a cup of coffee

Man I cannot believe I sold 43 sets of those points, I have to find a stash of dual points 2-71 I only have a few sets left and people are always asking for them.
Cookin Stuffed Hot Dogs and fried Potatoes, and eggs. And the necessary Orange.....:thumbsup:
got that desktop? cabinet ready for paint I think what a PIA to figure out how to mount tabs for the sliders did not want to weld them then Remembered Ron had some panel bond, trying that just the cure time is 12 hours!
Yep. A couple tune for performance books wouldn't hurt!
When you get the /6 and small block, I'm very curious what is in it. Looks like it may be a collection of early DC tech tips. Same as got put in the Engine Book later on, but the book version I have the copy editing is terrible.
Head and breakfast sounds good to me.

Yep I go down...
Bad post placement lol.

wow did Tike buy that dart if so Score!
That's what he said..

Nice perfect car for him he even has a parts car for it, I see a ride to NJ in my near future.
Yo guys will be more door bros.
I missed that part (the xtra car) maybe that goes on the trailer and your drive the good one home....
He already has it
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Hot dog!! My instructor gave me bonus points for completing every assignment! bumped me 1 letter grade!! 3.7 GPA!!