Stop in for a cup of coffee

So,was chatting with a customer as i was cleaning parts,said parts washer is next on my tool list.
Says how big of one. Told him big enough to clean cylinder heads.
Says he has. Nice heavy one. $100. Shows up an hour later.
Its pretty decent. Needs a a prop rod and fuse link.
I use water based in mine and added a heating element cleans amazingly with hot solution.
-11,high of -3 today. Maybe no snow today.
Back on the ugly old ford,u-joint needs replacing and back on exhaust repair.
On second thought,a couple small jobs waiting.will get them out of my way first.
Seven hours sleep,not bad.
I should go to work. Haha,who am i kidding. Two cups this morning. Will have time to look over/under the nissan today.
Interior is like new.
Hey what cleaning fluid you use? I went water based in my cleaner just way easier to dispose of here. I have to change it pretty often doing the distributors, just curious?
Still waiting for my wheels to show up,but i dont need them for a long time. If it comes to it,i will go for a drive. Maybe after nissan is on the road.

Cleaned up some hardware for the 318,bead blasted and wire wheel,stuff comes out pretty nice.
Oil pan cleaned up,may prime it before installing.
I use varsol,it goes into my waste oil drum. Buddy burns used oil for heating,and likes thin stuff to dilute the the heavy industrial lubricants he gets from the mine.

His boiler is seriously overbuilt, after 25 years of re-engineering he has perfected dealing with oil contaminated with water. It cooks it off.
I have a few distributors to choose from for my 318,3 or 4,once i dig them out i may need some advice.
I have a guy here that heats his shop with waste oil, he doesn't like other stuff, lol I gave him some with pait thinner in it and his shop got to hot!

Once you get them out figure out what you want in the motor for timing and we can go from there. I have plenty of parts for them.
No rush I have no idea what is going on now that Tike scored that dart. I have to go with Marilyn today to get evaluated for the medical Marijuana, what a goat rope her pain doc refers her to another doc that has been through the training, and have to pay $200 to her before the evaluation, then if she recommends it another $50 for the card, then she make a appointment at the "pharmacy" to get a prescription and they prescribe what and how much, then she can obtain it! Who knows what that will cost? Big cash cow for all involved!:mob: Just to start getting her off of opioid's!
Well I wish her luck. Getting off the opioids is not only hard,
Finding a decent substitute is another problem.
It just pisses me off, the CBD is what she is recommended so far, then you get all the restrictions along with it, I just hope she keeps her cool today.
It just pisses me off, the CBD is what she is recommended so far, then you get all the restrictions along with it, I just hope she keeps her cool today.

Sad how They always find a way to charge an extra buck.
I hope it all goes smooth.
Yeah she has been waiting on this she was ready to move to Colorado or Arizona, now it is here she is backpedeling a bit, Will definitely be a hit on the wallet this month for sure.
Yeah she has been waiting on this she was ready to move to Colorado or Arizona, now it is here she is backpedeling a bit, Will definitely be a hit on the wallet this month for sure.

Well may be if she gets of the other pain meds the costs will kind of offset.
Insurance pays for them my copay is les than $10 on all of it! Insurance will not touch this till it is legal by the feds. Just hope it works she is not doing to well lately.