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Define destructive?
adjective: destructive
  1. causing great and irreparable harm or damage.
    "the destructive power of weapons"
    synonyms: devastating, ruinous, disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic; More
    harmful, damaging, detrimental, deleterious, injurious, crippling;
    violent, savage, fierce, brutal, deadly, lethal
    "the most destructive war"

    • tending to refute or disparage; negative and unhelpful.
      "destructive criticism"
      synonyms: negative, hostile, vicious, unfriendly; More
  2. Having a general tendency to F*k things up
    • Using tools like hammers and prybars where wrenches and screwdrivers would be appropriate
    • Applying voltage far in excess of that which was intended
New Tires on my 2016 VW Golf, TDI. The tires I had on the front of the '69, which I swapped out the other day, fit the VW!!! Only had to buy two. The ones off the Dart were still new, less then 100 miles on them. Finely a Win! :thumbsup:
15s ?
Our program manager bought some cheaper used 15s to replace the 16s on his VW. Tire and rim busting roads up there. Kindof like Philly LOL
haha I bought the car from my neighbor who ran her own cleaning service I said to leave the flowers on lol! Just take the number off so she doesn’t get calls when I’m driving like a jerk.
Check out the what was in my mailbox!
@halifaxhops :thankyou:

Drop it in and come up, have the parts and the internet! Sun cards are good also..