Stop in for a cup of coffee

Off to the ortho early this morning, getting the results of the MRI I had Friday. I'll know soon if its surgery or not.

For those interested I got a reply yesterday, from the Director for MOPARS in the Park.
The 2019 MOPARS in the Park will be held at the Washington County fairgrounds at Lake Elmo, MN.
Years past it had been held in Farmington, MN.
Good luck. If he gives you a non surgery option, always try that first.
Hope it works out Z
It is what it is. I don't have the good feeling though going into the doctor today. I have a great ortho, so whatever it is I know I'll be taken care of.
Over the past 25 years I've dislocated this shoulder three times...I play to hard. Time might of finally caught up with me.
And if it is surgery I'll do it in the next couple weeks. I want to be all healed and ready to go for the 2019 car season.
Pretty cool! Going deer spotting with it?
Flip it (Sell it)

And if it is surgery I'll do it in the next couple weeks. I want to be all healed and ready to go for the 2019 car season.
I waited till now to get mine dun, thank god my right has full range over my head, or I would have had it fixed in March when I tour it
Man I am looking around for a vac advance everywhere I cannot find it, it is a stupid e advance but has a weird end I have never seen before. 71 440-6 pack one. Hope this guy has seriously deep pockets.

Hey if you have the nos hard to find parts you can ask whatever. That was the only one I saw of that anywhere even in all the data bases I use.
I would love to find the machine that opens and closes the vac advances, I have a few milk crates of bad ones I have been holding onto if needed to get rebuilt, one guy does them that I know of and not cheap either. 60 and up
Actually just got a decent deal on nos tan caps for the dualpoints. Now the ones that have "made in USA" on the top sell 125 and up all day long.