Stop in for a cup of coffee

This might help also!
Post surgery, so there was some surgery before another surgery ?

OK post surgery?? What'd you have done?? Missed that one.

I remember reading you were going in, forgot, what was the surgery? How did it go?

sorry, the pain killers knocked me out this am.

I went in for dental surgery. I had to have my wisdom teeth cut from my jaw bone yesterday. took 5 hours, while awake, numbing wore off 3 times. And they screwed up my prescriptions so I didn't get pain meds until nearly 5 am this morning, 16 hours post surgery.
Good morning all. We managed almost an inch of rain in the last 24 :D. Didn't come real fast, jusssst right. Should green up the hills nicely. Lady friend and I went to the movie last night "Bohemian Rhapsody". If you're a fan of 70s and 80s R&R music, I highly recommend it. Outfrickinstanding :D. Ewww, they had almost the same inch of rain near Malibu. That might be ugly. Nothing in that neighborhood is flat and water loves to run downhill. I'm so glad I'm not at the rock farm today. I was pretty good about getting ahead of rain events around my asphalt plant, the rockheads, not so much.