Stop in for a cup of coffee

I work in the timber industry, my sons girl friend one time told me she hated loggers because they where cutting down all the trees. I ask her if she could wipe her *** with a piece of plastic. I got no response back.
It's been busy around here, I did not know Old man ray was in the hospital , Hay !! Ray !! You doing ok buddy ? looks like you are on the better side of bad from what I am reading.

Good morning guys. Saw a bumper sticker on a pickup yesterday the said 'STOP GLOBAL WHINING' . I got to get me one...

I work in the timber industry, my sons girl friend one time told me she hated loggers because they where cutting down all the trees. I ask her if she could wipe her *** with a piece of plastic. I got no response back.

good morn to all
Howdy kazooom :coffee2:
What's happening today? Ray in the hospital? Hope he is doing well. Deja Vu! Didn't I say that yesterday? lol
Ben got my addy and phone #

Yes sir. Got it saved in my phone. Now if i can just decide exactly how i plan to make the drive. I may change it up and leave real early Thursday and drive to Knoxville, stay the night. Then start early Friday and go to Carlisle. Should be about 7 hours. I may be passed out in your yard early Friday night!
Hey guys... first ride on the motorcycle yesterday, spring is officially here. 70 yesterday, 68 today and sunny days ahead