Stop in for a cup of coffee

Trans am goes home today,so he can work on it at home. Clean and paint floor. Then he wants to put carpet in.
Im resuming work on the Studebaker. Figured out my brake lights, and cut,sleeved steering shaft to correct the wheel being 90° off.
Headlights,finish seat mount. cab mounting bolts are just bolts. No nuts. I keep forgetting about that.
Does anyone actually understand the structure of the Men's College World Series tournament? I get lost with all the regional, super regional, elimination, double secret probation rounds...
I have nothing going on here on Saturday...I may come up to Mason Dixon on Saturday to check out all the Action and Scott's Car..... :thumbsup:
Thanks again Ice!

Good Morning All! Garden was more work than I thought, had really gotten away, even took the tractor in there to try and tame it. More work to do but got zucchini, acorn squash, pumpkin, pickling cuc's, tomatoes in.

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That would keep the critters out. I failed at a garden this year. I haven't been feeling well and didn't want to do much with it. I did get it tilled and a few tomato plants planted. That's it.
Kim’s raised garden seems to be providing mixed results. Lits of rain and no heat seems to a problem.
Taters seem to be doing well. She bought potato bags, something i have never seen before. Guess time will tell.
Guess its time to get to “work” lol.
Mechanic walking by another mechanics bench.

Transmission parts all neatly laid out on the bench for reassembly...

Mechanic looks around to see if anyone is looking

Takes a random bolt out of a box he's holding, and places it on the bench with the other bolts

Walks away smiling
Did that a few times.
We set up our old boss pretty good.
He bought a new e vehicle, so like the nice guys we are we put some antifreeze under every day for a week and his wife did it at home also. Went to the dealer a few times for it to get checked out! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Mechanic walking by another mechanics bench.

Transmission parts all neatly laid out on the bench for reassembly...

Mechanic looks around to see if anyone is looking

Takes a random bolt out of a box he's holding, and places it on the bench with the other bolts

Walks away smiling
You want evil, go to armors school, to pass you must assemble from parts a functioning rifle, then trouble shoot some devious created satan spawn malfunction. Example: take spring safety out, cutting off three turns and reinstalling cut side down. Instructors are evil genius.