Stop in for a cup of coffee

Did I miss the secession of the Northern Neck?

Most popular fast food restaurant by "State"

That's the Eastern Department.
Must be heavily influenced by the Scottish fella.
Now what's with the curlicue over the other states and territories?
Never heard of it. Prob driven past a hundred and didn't register a thing in the brain.
Now Alexander McDougall - No one else has ever heard of him - go figure. Commanded the Hudson Highlands for most of the war. Not that that was important - it was just the Hudson River and we beat the Brits because we were so much smarter than them. :rolleyes:
Never heard of it. Prob driven past a hundred and didn't register a thing in the brain.
Now Alexander McDougall - No one else has ever heard of him - go figure. Commanded the Hudson Highlands for most of the war. Not that that was important - it was just the Hudson River and we beat the Brits because we were so much smarter than them. :rolleyes:

F&I out this way....Well, if you ignore the whole1860s misunderstanding,
Damn, I guess I forgot how painful muscles you don't use often can get. I bowled 4 games of 10 pin on Sunday night. Felt ok on Monday morning, but then the pain kicked in. Tuesday now and my *** and leg muscles are still screaming...despite a regular regiment of lower body and leg exercises.... :mob:
Just reading about counterfeit spark plugs - Amazon, Car Quest etc. Insane. Very close. If there are run issues, something to check. Not sure if all brands are having these issues.

Fake or not?
Matt , you never heard of chik fil A? Wow
Nope. Like I said I've prob driven past a hundred. Well maybe not. Most of my driving is North NJ and SE PA.
McD I'll occassionally look for if I need a restroom.
I don't eat at those places so even if I see 'em they don't register as anything other than a blob
Nope. Like I said I've prob driven past a hundred. Well maybe not. Most of my driving is North NJ and SE PA.
McD I'll occassionally look for if I need a restroom.
I don't eat at those places so even if I see 'em they don't register as anything other than a blob
Chick FIL A
Food actually looks close to the images.
Better then most.
Closed on Sundays
If you go use the inside sit down. they ask your name for when your order is ready .
Use Ronald Mcdonald for faster service.
Never had chik-fil-a... haven't had much fast food in like a decade other than some taco bell now and then.. (the chicken quesadillas are great, and the breakfast crunch is damn good)
Lunch time! Braunschweiger on cinnamon raisin bread, F-R-O-g jam with hemp seeds, raw mild cheddar cheese and cucumber washed down with apple cider vinegar. YUMMY!

Pretty sure the last time I had fast food was 1998. I thought it would be a good idea. Mostly it reminded me not to do that again.
Yeah.. i get taco bell like once every couple of months and like 1 thing... but i see it as the least bad of fast food.. it's basically beef with the fat cooked out and fresh veggies...