Stop in for a cup of coffee

Forgot my belt this morning... pants wont fall down but it just feels weird not having it on..
Slow in here this morning.
I guess folks stayed up to watch the modern day Shakespeare Tragedy last night.
My exhaust turndowns are finally on the way after sitting in Texas for several days, going to Arkansas then back to Texas.......................this seems to be my luck with packages.

So question men. If you wanted to install a aftermarket trans cooler, where would you locate it? And don't say in front of the radiator....that is obvious....Best idea to get heat away from trans and engine.....I know options are very limited....
If it were me, I’d mount a thin, but long one, directly behind the front bumper/valence.

I’ve also see some mounted in the rear valence, there’s surprisingly a lot of air flow under the car on these old cars, especially in that area.
Rain. Guess i will go and start picking away at the clunks and rattles in the Studebaker. Modify the gas pedal. List isnt really long.
Good morning everyone. Power came back on at 5:30 this morning. The adjuster for the house insurance is coming out this morning to evaluate the damage. I have to send pictures to Hagerty later today for the Chevelle. Apparently upon closer inspection there are a lot of panels that are dented. But at least the important car was unscathed :) Tim pointed out the silver lining on that black cloud.
My exhaust turndowns are finally on the way after sitting in Texas for several days, going to Arkansas then back to Texas.......................this seems to be my luck with packages.

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I'm not sure what is up with UPS... or if it's the ridiculousness of Bezos-mart

Last few packages looked like they were salvaged from a overturned truck....

But then again, the boxes are 3 times too big and the 4 x 4 square of "packaging" paper is completely pointless.

At least UPS gets it to the house. The driver is a good dude