Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dinner time.
We always had Coors LIght keggers. A good friend, a big guy probably 280#, always made fun of the "Colorado Kool-Aid" until one night he got so hammered on the stuff it took 4 of us to stuff him in his car so his wife could drive him home. We still laugh at that one. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Humid and warm here.. my candy *** is in the basement :) I just put on mopar joe and he's doing bodywork in 98 degrees in arkansas.... fook that
I was doing the same here in 95 degrees on my Dodge D150. Filler was kicking off before I could spread it, said the heck with it, I will wait. Cleaned up my DeSoto for a show tomorrow instead.
Looks delish. How is the storm damage tthing going?
It’s good. The adjuster for the house came on Friday. The front side of the roof of the garage needs to be replaced along with the header which cracked from impact, the garage door, siding, 2 beams in the roof of the garage also. They will have us an estimate by Friday.
I took pictures and sent them off to Hagerty yesterday so I will wait to hear back from them.
I'll be right over.
I never thought of the air fryer till Scott mentioned it.
Did you see the avatar I modified for him a few posts back.
I like it. It’s awesome.
Yup. Hate the pedal arrangement. For some reason the cruise works now. Sluggish to engage. Thinking the servo is sticky from lack of use.
Did some driving around, lots of traffic here this weekend. Fair,fireworks parade and car show. Also live entertainment.
Took the minibike back to the grandkids today and I got lots of hugs and thank You's. Watched them race around the yard for a couple hours. Had a funday.


Yup. Hate the pedal arrangement. For some reason the cruise works now. Sluggish to engage. Thinking the servo is sticky from lack of use.
Did some driving around, lots of traffic here this weekend. Fair,fireworks parade and car show. Also live entertainment.
Good to see it move under it's own power. It has been fun to see it come together.
I wasn’t man enough to even look it up. I remember some of the guys talking about scrapple here a few hundred pages back? I think I am still a hard pass. Looks very yankee to me! Biscuits and gravy for the win! Hah!
Oh man. B&G. Making me hungry.
Speaking of different..

Where is Pinãta boy?

@Sublime one
Just got home thank you very much! I been kneed, joint locked, back fisted, arm barred and digitally manipulated all day long. It was a hoot! I did get to toss one guy up against a wall by his security vest tho! Great hand holds! But then I had to coach him thru how to swim out and toss me! Arghh! Great day of training but I say this with love, all you nine hundred degree Dan black belts are sadistic demented evil beings! Hah
Spam you can put on a shelf for God knows how long, preservatives.
It's good I eat it at times.
Scrapple has to be refrigerated till you cook it.
Fact check, I know a squad of Marines hiding in a cave once that ate Spam for 31 days straight, every meal. And the cans were dated from Korean War. This was early eighties. You boys can do the math.
It is clear that you guys have no idea what Scrapple is. There is absolutely no meat in it. It is the broth taken from what is called the pudding meat and then add corn meal and salt and pepper. Good ...yes but there is no meat or eyeballs or assholes in it. just broth. I only eat the pudding meat. Now that is where the fine eating is.
Again, ewwww