Stop in for a cup of coffee


-------------------------------Monday! Good Morning :D
Good morning everyone. Retirement is over. Back to work after my doctor's appt. Fasting labs. I am starving. Got so much done this last week. Could have used a couple more days and it would be ready for chassis and interior paint.
Good morning everyone. Retirement is over. Back to work after my doctor's appt. Fasting labs. I am starving. Got so much done this last week. Could have used a couple more days and it would be ready for chassis and interior paint.
I used to enjoy fasting.. once you get past the first like 20 hours it's not bad.. most i have done is 2 days though
I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July celebrations!
My kid is getting deployed to the big sand box again this Fall, keep him in your prayers
Morning folks. All this talk of weather makes me wonder about @Cranky down in Texas. Did the hurricane blew through your area?
Here's a MAC Tool monthly flier. It looks like some good BOBO's and bundles going on. Those pliers sets were crazy. I would order 50 at a time. I still have a few of the bags around.
