Stop in for a cup of coffee

Picture Day this Morning. Agent will be listing one of my properties in the city.
Run around day here today. The burg, need a new ac. Bank grab a title for the cobalt gave it to the daughter. Then home hopefully early and continue unloading meters.
Can't believe this year is almost 3/4 over.... starting to doubt i will be driving my car this year.. i'm not sanding body filler in 85+ and humid... just no way :)
Looks like 90° today. Quonset will certainly be hotter than an easy bake oven..
Try to get as many connections as possible done before its too hot. Shop is cold, so i will get the 37 going and moved into a more pleasant place to work.
Good morning everyone. Waiting for a ride to work. First rain in weeks or I would take the hot rod. Demon would work, but they say chance of hail. Nope