Stop in for a cup of coffee

Marie's parents are in Blue Ridge, GA. I hrear the storm was projected to go straight through there also.

Today I go in for my CPAK (sp?) how to use 101 class and pickup the device. In my defense I do not think there is a human being on the planet who has ever passed a sleep apnea test. I gotta get ready for my next road trip with @ZMan67S
I hope your CPAP training went well. You'll learn to love it and never travel without it. Jodi will also appreciate it!!LOL!!

I probably need one... I've been told lol
I dragged my feet getting one, but after a couple days wish I'd done it sooner. Between that and 400mg magnesium before bed I sleep great and no complaints from Cheryl. Of course, after I got mine, I noticed she had sleep issues, so she got tested and yep, she now has a CPAP also.
Today I go in for my CPAK (sp?) how to use 101 class and pickup the device. In my defense I do not think there is a human being on the planet who has ever passed a sleep apnea test. I gotta get ready for my next road trip with @ZMan67S
I passed mine but I slept on my sides and tossed and turned all night instead. :BangHead: :BangHead: :lol:
Today I go in for my CPAK (sp?) how to use 101 class and pickup the device. In my defense I do not think there is a human being on the planet who has ever passed a sleep apnea test. I gotta get ready for my next road trip with @ZMan67S
I passed my first one. Second one 3 year later I failed badly. Been on CPAP ever since. Feel so much better most days
I dragged my feet getting one, but after a couple days wish I'd done it sooner. Between that and 400mg magnesium before bed I sleep great and no complaints from Cheryl. Of course, after I got mine, I noticed she had sleep issues, so she got tested and yep, she now has a CPAP also.
It would require me to go into a doctor's office... I gave that up for Lent.