Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thought I had found some vintage Cragars for a project I have in mind on CL. Asked seller some simple yet important ??s and got an uneducated response. I think I'll keep looking.
Looks like we have a short lived heat wave in our future. Be knocking on the 90° door mid-week. South and east of here it gonna be smokin' hot :eek: . AYEE! It will be hotter just to the north of here than it will be in the old Desert homeland!
Good Open Wheel show at the beach tonite, beach being Ventura Raceway. Ventura is literally at the beach. Speedway, parking lot, road to the neighboring State Beach, sand, waves, surfers, and Channel Islands :lol: In that order :lol:
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Starting to see a few sprouts in the patch I put around the back deck, encouraging, sometimes I think if you get a bad or old batch the stuff just won't sprout. Needs to not freeze and it might take before winter.