Stop in for a cup of coffee

Be fun to have a Ramcharger without all the 4x4 extra weight. 440 or bigger hidin' under the hood. N50s on the Dana in the back, skinny lil Halibrands on the front, electric exhaust cutout switch in easy reach :D :steering:
I had one, no 4x4 , lift of top with factory roll bar Levi interior with a /6 automatic. Would have been a great one built that way :thumbsup:
Look very close at the floors integrity front to back, rock the seats and feel the floor to see the strength, close inspection of the rear hatching.
Good luck, looks like a nice one
There's been one listed near here that's a "stopped project".

He was cracking me up with some of his talking to crowd between songs. As you know there's a lot of camping at that venue so he tells us how he was walking around the tents last night and he heard some strange noises. He said "There's a lot of things girls won't do unless they're in a tent" or something to that effect
That is one of the super cool aspects about concerts there. You just never know who is strolling thru! I bet he had a blast, you can only imagine his nose led him to some circles! Think of the stories some of the campers got that night. I can just hear em.

“Dude we were just hanging out at the tent trying to decide if we were going to stay up all night or crash for a few. We were passing around some excellent stuff and T.P. Literally walks up and grabs a seat and says let me hit that. I ain’t making this up, he sat down like anybody else and just hung out with us for a bit then strolled on to another circle. It was coolest thing ever.”
Be fun to have a Ramcharger without all the 4x4 extra weight. 440 or bigger hidin' under the hood. N50s on the Dana in the back, skinny lil Halibrands on the front, electric exhaust cutout switch in easy reach :D :steering:
I had an 88 RC a while back. 2wd. Heavy beast.
That is one of the super cool aspects about concerts there. You just never know who is strolling thru! I bet he had a blast, you can only imagine his nose led him to some circles! Think of the stories some of the campers got that night. I can just hear em.

“Dude we were just hanging out at the tent trying to decide if we were going to stay up all night or crash for a few. We were passing around some excellent stuff and T.P. Literally walks up and grabs a seat and says let me hit that. I ain’t making this up, he sat down like anybody else and just hung out with us for a bit then strolled on to another circle. It was coolest thing ever.”
That's what everybody says, real person, no hiding and he could write it into songs lots of folks could relate too, awesome talent
That is one of the super cool aspects about concerts there. You just never know who is strolling thru! I bet he had a blast, you can only imagine his nose led him to some circles! Think of the stories some of the campers got that night. I can just hear em.

“Dude we were just hanging out at the tent trying to decide if we were going to stay up all night or crash for a few. We were passing around some excellent stuff and T.P. Literally walks up and grabs a seat and says let me hit that. I ain’t making this up, he sat down like anybody else and just hung out with us for a bit then strolled on to another circle. It was coolest thing ever.”
That reminds me of something else we saw at the show, guy to our left was huffing smoke up onto the stage, he had quite a capacity too. He was like a human smoke machine and he did it the ENTIRE show. If second hand smoke works for a buzz, he gave Tom one that night!
Thanks for the feedback really know nothing about them. What trans would it have with the 318, Torqueflite?
You’ll want to check the play in the front hubs as well especially with the conversion kit. They have to be maintained at intervals or they can loose at the Jesus nut
That's what everybody says, real person, no hiding and he could write it into songs lots of folks could relate too, awesome talent
I have got to work security for a lot of music shows never got to work one of his. Arghh….We always heard the exact same thing he was just a normal dude off stage.
You’ll want to check the play in the front hubs as well especially with the conversion kit. They have to be maintained at intervals or they can loose at the Jesus nut
I'll look at that, at least check that they engage/disengage, I've put manuals on a couple different flavors of 4x4's but hoping not to do any/much work if I get it and that's iffy.
A low flying jet propelled vehicle just reminded me that Vice Vice President Elon has a launch scheduled from Vandenberg this evening. 17:48 PST Falcon 9 with it's 22 Starlink passengers. Just overcast enough to hinder a good view.
Can't say that I've ever seen a cross ram intake like this before

Not getting anything done today. Oh well. Hey, I cleaned up the kitchen.