Stop in for a drink.

Ok my whiskey affection-ado friends I am preparing for a “Malt” whiskey tasting out in the shop for a small group of buddies. My theme is North America compared to Scotland. Pictured are my choices as I am not going to buy anything special just sample out of my own stash. The North American selections are straight forward as I only have three. Glen Fargo, Woodford Reserve and Cut Spike. My Scotland selection is a bit more difficult. If you could pick only three to sample in comparison to the NA flight, of the ones pictured which would you select to present at the tasting. Per TMM advice I have some small plastic tasters cups and bland non gluten crackers for washing palettes plus water of course. I will do some research and provide some distillery history for each prior to sampling. And yes I will be using note cards!

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That's great! You will have a good time there. That's a nice line up.
My old lady left this morning with our daughter, headed to her parents for the day since our power is out and we have no heat. Figured that's good timing so I got myself some PBR and I'm enjoying time alone in the garage.
Sounds like a perfect day RS. My wife is doing tax junk all day so I headed out to shop with the hound early. She just poked her head in the shop and explained in no uncertain terms she was preparing a nice dinner to be served at four and I was to be sober. In my wit I promptly replied “poor planning on her part did not ensure compliance on my part” as she should have told me that several hours ago.Did I mention I am married to a red head? Many on here know her, I am a dead man! Hah! I love shop days!
Ok my whiskey affection-ado friends I am preparing for a “Malt” whiskey tasting out in the shop for a small group of buddies. My theme is North America compared to Scotland. Pictured are my choices as I am not going to buy anything special just sample out of my own stash. The North American selections are straight forward as I only have three. Glen Fargo, Woodford Reserve and Cut Spike. My Scotland selection is a bit more difficult. If you could pick only three to sample in comparison to the NA flight, of the ones pictured which would you select to present at the tasting. Per TMM advice I have some small plastic tasters cups and bland non gluten crackers for washing palettes plus water of course. I will do some research and provide some distillery history for each prior to sampling. And yes I will be using note cards!

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You on Facebook? I have a whisky chasers group you could join. Anybody else? Waterloo Whisky chasers on Facebook. I think my settings are correct for you to ask to join.
I will check it out
The settings must be ok. I just got a request from somebody in Pennsylvania. A name I wasn't familiar with. If it was one of you guys here let me know and try again.
I’m in! Will my membership card come with the first round of samples you send me? :poke: :lol:
I would like to check out a barrel pick sometime. I would need to figure out how it is done and find a store with a liquor license.
Thanks, didn't know how that worked.
Notification received...

Sipping on a little Eagle Rare. Sure is tasty. A lesson learned: the less I sip, the tastier it is.

Eagle Rare.jpg
A few of the guys in the neighborhood decided to chip in and clear off the driveway and walks of one of our elderly neighbors who got stood up by their snow removal service and hadn’t been able to get out of the house. Four of us gathered up our gear and spare salt and went over to do it this afternoon.

Problem was that with the heavy snow, sleet and freezing rain and a few nights of temps in the teens, everything was covered in 4” of solid ice. It took us 5 hours to chip our way through it all...but we got it done.

Oh my aching time now.

A few of the guys in the neighborhood decided to chip in and clear off the driveway and walks of one of our elderly neighbors who got stood up by their snow removal service and hadn’t been able to get out of the house. Four of us gathered up our gear and spare salt and went over to do it this afternoon.

Problem was that with the heavy snow, sleet and freezing rain and a few nights of temps in the teens, everything was covered in 4” of solid ice. It took us 5 hours to chip our way through it all...but we got it done.

Oh my aching time now.

That was a great thing that you and your friends did. You have my utmost respect for your efforts. I hope that someone will help my parents if I am not able to in a similar situation.