Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good, seen many many friends, and met his sister for the first time

To be an asshole you have to kick it twice Have a great day Ray

Friends are good in a time of need . Actually it was just a figure of speech. I miss my old friend. She was a great dog.
Friends are good in a time of need . Actually it was just a figure of speech. I miss my old friend. She was a great dog.
My best friend is a dog as well Ray, but they have such a short life :BangHead: I hope to get 13, 14 or even 15 out of Buddy

My wife was looking over my shoulder and laughed out loud at your dog Hop's :rofl::rofl::rofl:
My last dog was a lab. Pit mix. Smartest dog that ever owned me. She had a basket of stuffed animals about twenty. She would pull out whatever one I told here to. When I buried her ashes I put inher favorite a duck that would quack. It started to quack when I finished burying them. I cried for a week. Still have a hard time going to that part of the yard.
Good looking friend you have there, sitting on a Ramcharger back seat ?
Had that mix in Hawaii, best dog ever, throw a stone in a tall field would come back with it no mater how long it took used to go boogie boarding with me also, loved the ocean.
Had that mix in Hawaii, best dog ever, throw a stone in a tall field would come back with it no mater how long it took used to go boogie boarding with me also, loved the ocean.
She was a rescue all my pets have been. I called her extremely lucky. We had here fixed when we first got her. Next day she jumped up at someone who came to the door all her stitches broke and out came everything. Long story short vet put her back together. I thought for sure she would never survive. Lived another ten years.
I have never had a pure breed, most breeds are a pia from what I have seen, The new one was my daughters just became mine last fall, so far she is great.

Morning Rami.