Stuff I do while Truckin

Allentown to lost wages Nevada

You dodge the weather and the resulting highway goat-grab?

Are Ryder's trailers as crappy as their trucks?
So that trailer is junk? Or it isn't? Or the UFC ring in it is junk...?

Or do I just need a nap?
I pull a bunch of trqilers for ryder and dont have any problem of course i just drop and hook.i dont know how tovopen doors
We get trucks with stuff like huge air leaks, bad shocks, leaking windows, drooping and binding liftgates, no reverse alarms, low coolant, low PS fluid...a few tractors lately with either no floor heat, or NO heat, period!

The fact most of our box trucks are Freightliner's low-bid garbage does not help.
loading at Hoosier racing tire in the morning going to Sebring.Ill post up pic tomorrow