
I am back home. Getting knocked out is strange. One minute your talking to the doc next your are waking up. Surgery pain is starting to creep in, time for some more drugs....

It's over and you're back home:home: Pretty soon the pain will subside and you will be doing a lot better.
How you doing today ink? Hope you got a good nights sleep last night, pain killers can be wonderful things!
hurting, thanks for asking. typing with 1 hand sucks. i did sleep last night, first time in about 4 days. took enough drugs to take down a horse....
Good luck Doug! I hope everything goes smoothly and you're back on the keyboard in no time :-D Let me know if you and Ernie need anything.
Going under and waking up is a blessing Ink :thumleft:and weird to say the least :colors:
They can't put me under anymore, I was put under about 12 years ago and had a big round disc over me and 7 people around my recovery bed :shaking2: I woke up coughing up blood and they said I will be fine and glad to have me back :-o:-o Treva was outside the recovery room and was crying here eyes out when she seen all the dr's and nurses over me trying to wake me up.
I have been elegaic to aspirin my hole life :sad4: and now I am non elective for Anastasia.
I am glad to hear that you are home and starting your recovery bro :blob::wav:
You just wait :color: You will feeling much better in the near future :hello2:
It's so good to have you back with us Ink :hello2:
I got some left over codine from my tooth extraction. dont like that stuff, makes me itch and stay up...

I imagine Ibuprofen a good choose
ink, Glad to hear you're on the mend. Take it easy and give yourself time to heal.
much better today. want to take the wrap/gauze off but the boss wants me to leave it on until tomorrow, like i was told. have only taken 1 more oxy than normal so far today...
Sounds like your doing good Doug! You will be much happier after all is healed. Im hoping the surgury went well and you get at least partial use back.
My ortho doctor told me to put up with the discs and stenosis until I couldn't stand it any longer.
Sounds like your gettin a grip on things Doug. Good to hear.

The key is if this stems the pain after your recovery. I meant to post on this thread earlier and my apologies for being late.

Keep us updated my friend and my best thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.
hay good to here ur out and back up a little so are u going to sue play boy now lmao later keep us posted
I went to see a specialist about 2 months ago to make sure all was as my general practice dr was saying and doing to me, he said I had one bar showing lymes "witch is normal" after contracting it and wrote me a script for water therapy:eek:ccasion::hello1: know I don't have to pay the $99 3 month fee at our health and fitness club to get some time in the pool :thumrigh:
My GP ask me if I wanted to up my prescription to somethin cotton and I said no, I have seen a couple people on them and I want to keep my wit's and was afraid of them, I will deal with it as long as I can... and I told him I was still on a 2 oz shot of Tequila every day after breakfast :glasses2:
I went to see a specialist about 2 months ago to make sure all was as my general practice dr was saying and doing to me, he said I had one bar showing lymes "witch is normal" after contracting it and wrote me a script for water therapy:eek:ccasion::hello1: know I don't have to pay the $99 3 month fee at our health and fitness club to get some time in the pool :thumrigh:
My GP ask me if I wanted to up my prescription to somethin cotton and I said no, I have seen a couple people on them and I want to keep my wit's and was afraid of them, I will deal with it as long as I can... and I told him I was still on a 2 oz shot of Tequila every day after breakfast :glasses2:
Guess you are referring to oxycodone. I take both varieties of it, the immediate release and the extended release. Could not get by without it. My doc explained some stuff to me about the so called "hillbilly ******". It has been a while so this might not be exactly right. It has no tylenol in it and tylenol taken in excess is no good for you. The amount I am taking is only slightly stronger than the vicodin I was taking, just no tylenol. The amount of vicodin I was taking had enough tylenol in it that I had the potential for liver damage. At least on the the days I need a little extra I can take it without fear of having my liver fall out. Doc warned me that oxy is addicting, but so was vicodin. Some nights when the pain is worse then usual I just break out the pipe and smoke a bit of "medical" maryjane and the pain subsides enough for me to sleep. My hand surgeon gave me a prescription for percocet after he cut me open. The generic for it is oxy, go figure....
Hillbilly ******,what a joke. The media sure is good at manipulation and forming public opinion. I can guarantee 99% of folks had no clue or even cared before the media hyped it. I've NEVER heard of a major oxy drug bust,or ever had anyone try to sell it to me.

I also feel the addictive factor is being waaaaaaaaaaay oversold. Perfect example is medical mj,which the medical community said for years was highly addictive. It's actually less addictive than coffee,which I quit drinking without any issues.

I can tell you that oxy can make you out of your mind with anger,if you have enough. Then again,at that level it's probably mostly pain which is making you nuts. I've been there.
Hillbilly ******,what a joke. The media sure is good at manipulation and forming public opinion. I can guarantee 99% of folks had no clue or even cared before the media hyped it. I've NEVER heard of a major oxy drug bust,or ever had anyone try to sell it to me.

I also feel the addictive factor is being waaaaaaaaaaay oversold. Perfect example is medical mj,which the medical community said for years was highly addictive. It's actually less addictive than coffee,which I quit drinking without any issues.

I can tell you that oxy can make you out of your mind with anger,if you have enough. Then again,at that level it's probably mostly pain which is making you nuts. I've been there.
Search thru the . Never been an oxy bust locally, least not that I have heard but there sure has been enough people stealing oxy from drug stores. Paul, I agree with you about the addictive angle, it is way oversold. When my doc gave it to me we talked about it. He laughed when I mentioned it, he told me that if I were to get addicted to it then chances are I would get addicted to anything he gave me, pain killer or cough syrup or what ever. I took high does of vicodin for the last 4 years of my employment with the USPS, started out as pain relief. After a while it became more of a way to tolerate my co-workers and bosses. Vicodin, percocet and a crap load of Xanax will go a long way to calming some one down. Put me in such a fog it was virtually impossible for me to get pissed off. I was told that if I could have been drug tested I surely would have been, but because of all the EEO crap the Post Office dealt with over the years this was one road they never pursued. I have stopped the oxy several times with no issues what-so-ever. The only thing that happens is my pain level goes up, alot. As far as the selling of OXY, I know of at least one person in AZ that would love to get his hands on my bottles, simply to resell it. There were several people I used to work with that would often times attempt to buy painkillers from me. I was offered $400 for 100 Vicodin, don't remeber the strength of them but they were one up from the weakest. When this guy found out I had stronger ones, the price went up to $600. I know of several people I used to work with that had docs that WOULD not write pain med scripts. Docs blamed it on there health insurance company. One friend, Jeff , has 3 herniated discs in his neck and 4 in his back, if memory serve me right. Every doc he has seen has told him to take a few aspirin for the pain, so I now that I am thinking about it I know of several people that would buy OXY from me, if I were to do that kind of thing, which of course is completely OUT of the question....
The Boss, aka the Wife, has let me unwrap it finally. Damn, does it feel good to not have the bandage on.....


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