teeth braces


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
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are teeth braces a common thing for adults??

i went to the dentist and he says i can use them bcoz my bottom teeth have become too crowded by wisdom teeth (which he says need to come out too) and he says i have too much over bite.

according to my dentist im still growing.........hmmmm.....i was thinking that by 27 i would be considered a fully grown woman now .......but he says my teeth are still moving around bcoz im still growing!!!!

does this sound right? do i need a new dentist or

has anyone else had braces installed in your late 20s or beyond?
My dad got his at 50.

are teeth braces a common thing for adults??

i went to the dentist and he says i can use them bcoz my bottom teeth have become too crowded by wisdom teeth (which he says need to come out too) and he says i have too much over bite.

according to my dentist im still growing.........hmmmm.....i was thinking that by 27 i would be considered a fully grown woman now .......but he says my teeth are still moving around bcoz im still growing!!!!

does this sound right? do i need a new dentist or

has anyone else had braces installed in your late 20s or beyond?
A co-worker of the wife got braces at the early age of 48.........hmmm? Kinda late in life me thinks.

My daughters mother tried to force me to pay for daughters braces at age 10, recommended by dentist (???). I refused, daughters teeth are straight as can be at age 20.

Second opinion needed.......sounds like the current doc is drumming up new work.
its a lot more common now then years ago..

my sister 36 years old had these clear plastic things that she wore for a while to straighten her teeth.. had to take them out to eat but they did the trick for her..

bcoz my bottom teeth have become too crowded by wisdom teeth (which he says need to come out too) and he says i have too much over bite.

that is possible.. but i would get a second opinion
If I had braces in my youth, my teeth wouldn't be so messed up now. Yes, 27 is still "youth" and you should treasure it while you have it.

My brother got his braces at age 45 and he is much happier with the way they look now. Braces alone won't work for me, I'd need some pretty severe surgery to straighten my teeth. But I'll live with what I now have.

If you aren't happy with how they look, and you can afford it, do it now.
Had braces at 15 at that time very few older people got them. Had to have wisdom teeth removed and 4 other teeth to make room. 40 years later they are not as straight as they were, but still better than they were.

Several years ago my neighbor who was 72 got braces. I thought that was CRAZY, but she wanted them.

Lady I work with just got hers off, she is 50

So the question is, does it bother you? If your wisdom teeth are crowding the others you might want to have them removed. @ 27 you are a very young lady, do what makes you happy and you can afford.

It can be PAINFUL when they try and force your teeth to move where they need to be
My sister had them as a teen, got them again in her 40,s as her teeth had grown somewhat crooked again. A friend of mine in his 50's just got his off last year. It's up to you. If you like your teeth how they are then don't sweat it. If you don't and have the means to correct them they go for it.
It can be PAINFUL when they try and force your teeth to move where they need to be

yikes !!!!

i just didn't want to look odd by being the only one who is not a teen ....i mostly see teens with them but i wasn't totally sure.

my adoptive family wants me to do it and they take care of all that kind of stuff financially for me....they make me go for check ups in the first place ......they seem to like this dentist.....i was just really surprised ....i didn't think my wisdom teeth would still be growing and teeth still moving around and all that now.....this late in the game.
It's expensive enough to warrant a 2nd opinion. That said, yes, it's possible you're still growing. It's also normal for wisdom teeth to have to come out with some people. I had to have mine removed.
Braces are usually on teenagers. But some adults do have them.

There is another alternative called "invisalign" that can do what braces can do (but not as severe as braces can fis). If your teeth aren't too far misaligned, invisalign is supposed to be less painful/severe than braces.

When I was 7 or 8, I had to get a front tooth pulled because the adult tooth started coming in behind it (like a shark with many rows of teeth). The dentist who pulled my "baby tooth" out so the new one could come in told me to keep pushing the new tooth coming in forward with the tip of my tongue. If I did it enough, I would not need braces. It ended up in the right place without having braces.

So if you use your toungue properly, it may save you some pain. - and I don't mean that in a dirty way. Gigity, gigity....
Just think Rani- maybe you'll get taller too!

kidding, kidding:D

Can you picture a five foot tall Rani??? :cheers:

Then her feet may be able to touch the pedals... LOL!!! :laughing:

Oh, those long legs.... Gigity, gigity.....
I am 50 and still growing Just not vertically oh well yes you are still young had my wisdom teeth out when I was somewhere around 27. Good luck
I just got mine off last October after 3 years of wearing them. Nothing beats that Hollywood smile! Also if you're gonna get your wisdom teeth pulled, have them do ALL 4! Do not let them talk you into anything else.
are teeth braces a common thing for adults??......has anyone else had braces installed in your late 20s or beyond?

Heck yeah! My step-mom and my buddy's wife (ages 60's/40's) had them but I can't help but think it had a little to do with trying to do a little "age regression". :D They both kept them on for many years, so it made me smile a bit inside. Almost like adding a Marilyn Monroe beauty mark or sumthin'....

according to my dentist im still growing.........hmmmm.....i was thinking that by 27 i would be considered a fully grown woman now .......

Errrrrr......I wonder how he KNOWS you're still growing? I mean, I guess it could be possible by looking at how far your wisdom teeth have come in so far, but......I wonder how he would know if you've stopped!? I've always heard that you don't want to wait to have your wisdom teeth removed when you're older, so get the chain and the Power Wagon shifted down into compound low and let's "git-'er-done"!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Epb640fl-4"]Foster's Beer Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
If your wisdom teeth are crowding..definitely get a second opinion and if second says the same get them out...you never know you have a headache that you have gotten used too till you get them pulled out...what a difference :)
Impacted Wisdom teeth will cause crowding. Go for a consultation at an Orthodontist. Invisalign might be the way to go. They also provide some cushion for teeth grinders.
Had braces when I was a kid. Know of a few people that had them as adults.....If your wisdom teeth are finally showing up can definitely make your teeth move. When I had my braces removed I was told that I needed to keep an eye out for when my wisdom teeth showed up.
Just keep one thing in mind- it is your mouth and your teeth. Do what you feel comfortable with. Get a second and third opinion if that is what it takes to put your questions to rest. But braces at your age is quite common nowadays
Braces on adults are very common, but I'd check on your wisdoms first. If the wisdoms are causing overcrowding, then taking those out first might be something to look at.