Thanks Canada! Brrrrrrrrr!



Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
3 degrees F here right now. The weather guys said it came right down from Canada..... :D
Well it didn't come from the eastern region. Right now it's a balmy 46* F with a little bit of rain in our nation's capital - Ottawa. :D

I seen that on the news (weather) last night.
It has been raining steady here on the hill for two day straight and calling for possible flurries today
Creed and I drove to Memphis yesterday and every creek and river was up to the banks full and running fast. we have had 13'' of rain and 7'' of snow in the last 2 weeks.
High today here will be 38 degrees
Well it didn't come from the eastern region. Right now it's a balmy 46* F with a little bit of rain in our nation's capital - Ottawa. :D


It came from the west/central region. They never show the province names, darn it. I'd take 46 F in a heartbeat. :)
I seen that on the news (weather) last night.
It has been raining steady here on the hill for two day straight and calling for possible flurries today
Creed and I drove to Memphis yesterday and every creek and river was up to the banks full and running fast. we have had 13'' of rain and 7'' of snow in the last 2 weeks.
High today here will be 38 degrees

Man, you all have had one harsh winter/fall so far. That may be why the coyotes have been so agressive.
Looks like we will be catching to cold and rain here today or later this week.
3 degrees F here right now. The weather guys said it came right down from Canada..... :D

We sent it to you. Hope you like it. :finga: The high here today is 9F

It's only fair since most of our snow comes up from you in the form of Colorado Lows.

Yep.. when they mention the word "Colorado" in a weather report here, we usually expect to be snowed in good. Of course, being Manitobans, we can't just take a day off because of the 8-10" of blowing snow, polished ice rodaways and zero visibility, no, we all unplug our vehicles, let them heat up for a half hour and brave the treacherous drive so we can get to our workplace and make fun of anyone who is too wimpy to show. Yep. We are a little strange that way.

PS. If you ever come up here and say you're from Colorado.. don't take it personal if you get a tongue-lashing lol..

3 degrees F here right now. The weather guys said it came right down from Canada..... :D

Your weather guys only know of Canada as that blacked out area on their maps above the northern US border. Actually we send it, you like,:crybaby: we've had record speed (80mph) chinook winds here early last week, semi's were getting blown off the highways (yea we got highways up here to) and the winds are supposed to start blowing again tonight. Above freezing here right now, supposed to go to +5C (40F) tonight and through the week. A good blowing chinook will melt and remove 6 inches of snow in 24 hrs. then dump it all on Saskatchewan. :supz::thumleft:
Yep.. when they mention the word "Colorado" in a weather report here, we usually expect to be snowed in good. Of course, being Manitobans, we can't just take a day off because of the 8-10" of blowing snow, polished ice rodaways and zero visibility, no, we all unplug our vehicles, let them heat up for a half hour and brave the treacherous drive so we can get to our workplace and make fun of anyone who is too wimpy to show. Yep. We are a little strange that way.

PS. If you ever come up here and say you're from Colorado.. don't take it personal if you get a tongue-lashing lol..


That is wayyy to true!
Well it didn't come from the eastern region. Right now it's a balmy 46* F with a little bit of rain in our nation's capital - Ottawa. :D


My oldest son has a very good friend that lives up there in your neighborhood, Ottawa...

We're a balme 39° F here in Chicago. No snow yet this year. A few flakes a day or two ago, but no sticking...
Come on Joe, it was only 7 below this morning. I heard on the news today something like we have recieved more snow already this year than all of last in this area.
We sent it to you. Hope you like it. :finga: The high here today is 9F

It's only fair since most of our snow comes up from you in the form of Colorado Lows.

Yep.. when they mention the word "Colorado" in a weather report here, we usually expect to be snowed in good. Of course, being Manitobans, we can't just take a day off because of the 8-10" of blowing snow, polished ice rodaways and zero visibility, no, we all unplug our vehicles, let them heat up for a half hour and brave the treacherous drive so we can get to our workplace and make fun of anyone who is too wimpy to show. Yep. We are a little strange that way.

PS. If you ever come up here and say you're from Colorado.. don't take it personal if you get a tongue-lashing lol..


Your weather guys only know of Canada as that blacked out area on their maps above the northern US border. Actually we send it, you like,:crybaby: we've had record speed (80mph) chinook winds here early last week, semi's were getting blown off the highways (yea we got highways up here to) and the winds are supposed to start blowing again tonight. Above freezing here right now, supposed to go to +5C (40F) tonight and through the week. A good blowing chinook will melt and remove 6 inches of snow in 24 hrs. then dump it all on Saskatchewan. :supz::thumleft:

Opp's sorry my fault, I accidentally turned on the outdoor fan on the deck.:banghead:

I swear I laughed for about 5 minutes after reading these replies. You guys rock and it just goes to show how great the Canadian sense of humour is.

Come on Joe, it was only 7 below this morning. I heard on the news today something like we have recieved more snow already this year than all of last in this area.

I believe it! Last winter was really dry. It's a blazing 4 F here right now .
Joe.. there's some damn cold wind blowing up from the southwest.. they say it could turn from the -10F with windchill to +36F by this evening. If it does, we love you guys.. if not, #^@#%$.
