Thanks Grandpa.....



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May 24, 2009
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for passing the sickness

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onto me. I never met him, he passed away a few years before I was hatched. But my Uncle George, one his sons, once told me that I am the spitting image of him. The way I talk, my mannerisms, the bike thing. From what I was told my Grandpa was a member of a now defunct bike gang back in the day.

Went out for a little ride today thru the woods and wheat fields. Thought I was over the bike thing.......guess not.....
Threw the woods and wheat fields :toothy10: I guess you do liv in the sticks :-k enjoy the ride ink =D>
Now that's my kind of Bike! Very nice.....Ride safe!
Nice ride,Ink. Can't change,what you grew up on.

Thanks.....and you are so right. My first love has always been a bike. When I lived in AZ I put 100k on a sport bike in less than 5 years. Rode that thing every where. Just a couple of hundred miles of saddle time has me really regretting ever getting started with a car......

No roads out there? :D

Nice bike.


If you seen how filthy the thing is you would think there is no pavement out here.

When Ernie comes home from her trip to AZ/Mexico in May we will be loading it on the trailer and taking it to the guy on the west side of Washington to get a seat made. Miss having my riding partner on the back......even though she spends some time on the back sleeping.......literally......I doubt she will be able to pull that off on the back of this. It is a soft tail, only by name. Hit a pot hole today, I think I my spine might have a shrunk an inch or two....
Doug that is a sharp bike. Did you build it yourself?
Doug that is a sharp bike. Did you build it yourself?

No, but with everything that I have had to fix on it I might as well have. Debating on if I will take it apart next winter and have the miserable powder coating on the redone, as well as losing some of the chrome. With living on a dirt road keeping it even remotely clean is going to be impossible. Probably just going to use the pressure washer/simple green and air hose to clean it.

Ink ,You love it,nothing else matters when you ride..

Could not be closer to the truth......just wondering, do you ride? Or did you ride?
I am sitting here trying to figure out how to blow off what I need to do this weekend so I can go riding. Going shopping with the boss tomorrow and have an all day event on Sunday that needs to be done. Been blowing this off for close to 2 months now....hmmm.......
No,Ink. I relate to street machines,like you do bikes. A few moments, of freedom. Why I still enjoy them.
Something to be said about a basic, black bike. 2 hours or more of riding do more for my mental health than any drug ever made.