The 70 Duster......

I got to drive the Duster for a short time! Drives good! Just have a few little bugs to work out before we really start driving it around! It also made its first trip "out"!


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All three cars out together! They were in good company!!


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New wheels/tires for my wife showed up late last week!


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She had a 2001 Intense Blue Dakota R/T back in 2001-06. She loved that truck but we had to move to the Texas coast for her schooling so we decided to sell Dakota and not let it rust on the coast. Anyway, now that we are not on the coast any longer, and with the old Mopar projects winding down. We started looking for her a truck back in October and found out that Blue Streak was being built in 2014. We kept watching for one to show up so we could see it in person and last week one hit the lot! After seeing it, she said "yep that is the one!". We tried to buy it and the dealer was not willing to deal. So we drove to Austin the next morning and brought one home that was optioned exactly the same!


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Dealer should be shot for installing front license plate on that.

For a daily driver (and the amount of difference from the one here local), we can live with it! Just left room for other improvements...... :) Can't leave nothing alone!
My wife's Ram now has 1600 miles on it. It sits a little better now with the Ground Force 2/3 lowering kit installed!


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Big changes coming. Plus we started on another project. What was I thinking? What is wrong with me? You would think I would have learned by now.
Well we became homeless today!!!!!! But we are leasing back through the end of Sept. So we are going to be busy for a while. The machine shop is done with motor for the next project...... Now if I could just take the house funds and sneak away to the Nationals...hmmmm.
Here we go again. Fresh from the machine shop. A zero deck 360 to be filled with KB107's.


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After buying these in about 88-89, we finally get to put them to use!


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I got tired of looking at one of my cars sitting in the corner of the shop. So I talked it over with one of my brothers and he was interested in building a motor. So I am going to make a driver out of my Barracuda. Not planning to paint it or anything. Just get it running and have a car to drive if the weather is not good enough to get one of the finished cars out.

The plan was discussed after a trip up to my parents. The weather was not really bad but was not good enough to get the Charger, Duster or Dart out. So I said we should take a motor and stick it in the Barracuda and drive it instead of letting it sit. I bought it 2005 or 2006, I think. I have collected all the parts for it except the grille. But anyway, my brother that has several Barracudas said he would like to build the motor if I decided to get the car running. So the motor went to the machine shop shortly thereafter. The only issue came up a few days later when we decided to move. We sold our house in Fort Worth and moved to back to Amarillo (today actually). So for the first time since 2002. EVERYTHING we own is in one city! If I decide I want to go get a car out. I can! If I want to go to the shop and get some things done? I can!
Time to start rebuilding the inventory back up behind the shop, right?
Time to start rebuilding the inventory back up behind the shop, right?

Although I bought a recent "rare find", I have absolutely NO plans for that to happen at all! There are still a few that need a new home! The orange 3 speed Duster, 2 parts cars and a Spirit of 76 truck are pretty much all that is left. Well there is some scrap metal and "junk". But that is on my list of "things to do"! I may not get that done before cold weather sets in though. We will see. Today was our yard, washing the 2 vehicles that we drove up from Fort Worth in (road bugs galore!), mowing my parents house, and continue to unpack/set up our temporary house.
Stopped by my brothers house to check on the motor progress. Should not be long before it is together and ready to set in!


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Yes. Planning to get it on the road with the intentions of having one to drive when the weather is less than perfect. I don't plan to paint it or anything. Just make it reliable and leave it as is. I am either going to leave the slots on it or try to find some weathered 70's-80's wheels (keystones or centerlines) to keep that "as found" look. I have been working at getting the outside of the shop cleaned up and putting some miles on the Charger and Dart. We got the Duster out yesterday and plan to mess with it today. Once the Chryslers in the Canyon show is over we are going to get the Barracuda dug out of its corner and get started.
cool pic. i would be proud to be standing in front on my garage and see all them sweet mopars!