After years of being on the back burner, I have finally started laying track for my On30 layout The Beaver Hole Hardwood Company. This track plan was originally designed by a friend across the pond, Paul Templar (RIP) for another friend, Fred Miller, from the Joplin Missouri area. Fred fell on hard times and has never been able to build this layout. I asked him several years ago if he would mind if I built it and I more than got his blessing. While this looks somewhat messy, you can see the track that I have laid down and ballasted so far. I am making one change by eliminating that turnout connection at the top in the center, because I want to force the inside line to go all the way around to the right, to end up getting to the logging camp on the left side, where the switchback is located. And yes, the switchback will have several inclines of 4% to reach the top of the mountain on the left side, where the logging camp will be located. I've been really patiently waiting to get my train room back from Kitty as I let her use it for storage for a while. Now I am back at it. Here is the track plan and a picture of progress so far.
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