I realize that sometimes tempers flare a bit, and things get said that are inappropriate. I am quite tired of the rude comments and the name calling, but I realize it's going to happen. What I want to comment on is the OVER THE TOP nasty, foul mouthed, rude, inflammatory comments made by some people sometimes. I realize that our moderators do the best they can to keep thing to keep things as nice here as possible. I do not know what criteria they use to determine when people get temporarily or permanently suspended, but I wonder if the standards could be changed a bit so as to make it a little harder for people to spew these hateful comments. Maybe it would make people think twice before doing it. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Boy Scout, but I believe in trying to be nice as much as possible. I think we can have a better forum with less ugliness. Disagreements will always happen, but they can happen without name calling, foul language and hateful speech.