the great mask debate

do you wear a mask when you go out?

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Whenever there is a lot of arguments about something, it is often because there is not a lot of objective evidence. So if there is not a lot of evidence why are we forcing the issue?

if you think your mask works, wear it.

If you are afraid of the virus, don't go to a restaurant. Don’t close it down for the rest of us.

This is supposed to be a free country. Make your own choices. You don’t get to make mine.
What bothers me most is that I could be asymptomatic, and not know it. I haven't seen my mother much since this started, and I know that is hard for her as well, but I don't want to put her at risk if I can avoid it. She'll be 88 in a couple months, and she's still very healthy, so I am not going to take unnecessary chances with her health.
Even though very few are wearing masks in my area, our rate of infection isn't any higher than a location that is "forced" to wear masks. How do you explain that?

Because, even in areas with mask mandates, the primary places people are transmitting it are bars, gyms, churches, parties, family gatherings, etc. What do all those places have in common?

One point on the "flatten the curve" thing: as somebody who studied Math for 4 years, that made me concerned. When you flatten a curve, you extend the the range of said curve, and if you have one that peaks very quickly, the range is shortened. Just my observations.

That's an interesting point! Considering how low some areas are running on resources to treat this **** (think New York back in March/April), extending the curve would be fine if the peak wasn't as high IMO. It would suck to get it and not have anyway to have it treated.
One point on the "flatten the curve" thing: as somebody who studied Math for 4 years, that made me concerned. When you flatten a curve, you extend the the range of said curve, and if you have one that peaks very quickly, the range is shortened. Just my observations.
I was talking with one of my customers on Thursday about exactly that. She said pretty much the same thing, that if there was a shutdown of a short period earlier, it would have likely been over by now, instead of getting close to a year of this **** already.
I was talking with one of my customers on Thursday about exactly that. She said pretty much the same thing, that if there was a shutdown of a short period earlier, it would have likely been over by now, instead of getting close to a year of this **** already.
Even my former professors and school mates said the same thing about flattening the curve. I can't say how different everything would be, but I honestly believe we would at least be on the tail end.
I was talking with one of my customers on Thursday about exactly that. She said pretty much the same thing, that if there was a shutdown of a short period earlier, it would have likely been over by now, instead of getting close to a year of this **** already.

This is how I feel. We at work pushed the panic button the weekend before it got out of control in March. The owner had all boots on the ground clearing any job possible in case of us shutting down. There were other measures involved also in that decision making and quite honestly it all hit him in the pocket. No, we have now dragged this out coming up on almost a year and still spinning in mud. The gubm't had a chance to shorten this whole scenario but like a bunch of Karen's they have turned it into a mess....

All of them want to think what they are doing keeps a chip in the game for them and you will idolize them as your hero!

I don’t wear one if I don’t “have“ to. I actually don’t HAVE to do anything. My neck actually wears a mask more than my pie hole.
I was talking with one of my customers on Thursday about exactly that. She said pretty much the same thing, that if there was a shutdown of a short period earlier, it would have likely been over by now, instead of getting close to a year of this **** already.

My only question about a shutdown is...what about police, fire fighters, military, hospitals, etc. For a shutdown to be effective, EVERYONE would have to stay inside for whatever the number of days "they" say is required. If there is anyone out and about , it doesn't work.
Doctors wear masks to protect the patient.
Screenshot_20201212-122703_Samsung Internet.jpg
Doctors wear masks to protect the patient.View attachment 1715647580

Oh well if the frickin interweb said so, must be true.... WIkipedia is not the holder of all knowledge.. geez... bet you believe snopes too... I'll put my faith in actual people that say otherwise.... you do know cops don't carry guns to protect you right?

Think "critically" just for a few minutes.. Is it more likely a Doctor is going to pass something on to a patient, or the other way around?
Ok. My wife worked for a thorasic suegeon for 13 years, my sister is an RN who also worked for the same practice. My neice is a nurse practitioner. I would say they are credible. As far as police. There motto is protect and serve. Yes there guns do protect the public as well themselves. Kinda like masks.
Ok. My wife worked for a thorasic suegeon for 13 years, my sister is an RN who also worked for the same practice. My neice is a nurse practitioner. I would say they are credible. As far as police. There motto is protect and serve. Yes there guns do protect the public as well themselves. Kinda like masks.

Nope, sorry, you're wrong. Your cloth mask does nothing. Cops carry guns to protect themselves. You do you.
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Ok. I have family in the medical field. Thats where I am getting my info. You havnt offered your expert in this area. I dont know what a snope is either.
Ok. I have family in the medical field. Thats where I am getting my info. You havnt offered your expert in this area. I dont know what a snope is either.

Actually I have, in the other thread. My niece who is an OR nurse, you know, Operating Room?... and I have several cop friends... so.. your wrong... On so many things, your wrong... masks... phht.
Look at how close the voting is. Three choices separated by 1 vote. Crazy.
Because, even in areas with mask mandates, the primary places people are transmitting it are bars, gyms, churches, parties, family gatherings, etc.

All of that was shut down here in the spring, and yet it spread like wildfire.
Probably due to non-compliance? No-one actually enforces these "orders" anyway. At that point, they're nothing more than recommendations.
I have to disagree with that. I had to go out and went down the freeway I94 into Detroit and met up with only 2 cars for the 30 mile trip on the round trip.
Actually I have, in the other thread. My niece who is an OR nurse, you know, Operating Room?... and I have several cop friends... so.. your wrong... On so many things, your wrong... masks... phht.
So you are anti-mask. Is this the exact point you are trying to make? What hard scientific data do you have against something so easy to do and cannot worsen things?

crap remarks like the one below, if asked how you would feel if you fatally infected someone else make me wonder about you...
What if the sky turns green and frogs drop out? You can play the what if game all day long. What if I develop a serious resperatory problem from wearing a mask?
So you are anti-mask. Is this the exact point you are trying to make? What hard scientific data do you have against something so easy to do and cannot worsen things?

crap remarks like the one below, if asked how you would feel if you fatally infected someone else make me wonder about you...

Good thing i don't give a rip what you think about me. Not infected, but I will be. Of that there is no doubt. We all will.

Cloth masks actually do YOU, the WEARER harm. Again, ask a medical pro. Doctors don't wear the same mask all day, every day like most mask zombies. I'm not anti-mask. I'm anti-force. You want to wear one, knock yourself out.