The prayers help



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
We just got home and she is seeing much better now,:toothy10:The last eye done that went bad took 3 days before there was a problem so its up in the air but with all the prayers my FABO family has sent we are sure the out come will be great.Cindy says there is a big hug for you all and a big Thanks for helping her out.I also is so great full to you all.keep up the great work,I love you all.
GREAT! So glad to hear it.
Awsome to hear Snake your better half doing great and hope she has a full recovery!

Hey good news Don!! Glad we were able to be a small part of it! Tell her I give her a hug back too!! Hey if her eye-sights better, does that mean she might dump yer ugly mug??:toothy10: Just kidding, all the best, ya better start the pampering Christmas is coming
Hey good news Don!! Glad we were able to be a small part of it! Tell her I give her a hug back too!! Hey if her eye-sights better, does that mean she might dump yer ugly mug??:toothy10: Just kidding, all the best, ya better start the pampering Christmas is coming

LOl I hope not.This gale is pampered every day.
Snake I missed the first thread but I'm glad everything went well!

I have type 1 Diabetes and these type stories are VERY scary to me. I mean it really hits home.

Prayers sent!!!
Excellent news Snake. Tell her the FABO gang has prayer power!!
Snake I missed the first thread but I'm glad everything went well!

I have type 1 Diabetes and these type stories are VERY scary to me. I mean it really hits home.

Prayers sent!!!

Its been no pick nick for sure but that is what love does to ya.she is now on an insulin pump witch has been a good help even for me I used to have to fill her needles 4 times a day now the pump does it for us.So you keep a good eye on your self buddy,its controllable some what.PS its nice to see her smile again.
.............Hey Don.........i must of missed a previous thread to this..glad everything is ok...u guys will be in my thoughts and
What a great day Snake!! :cheers:Don, You will always be Snake to me :happy10:
Good news and so happy all is looking good for Cindy :happy10::happy10:
A big hug back at'cha :cheers:, Made my good day better seeing this great new's :happy10: