They walk among us!

I was at Bryce Canyon in Utah recently, checking out the hoodoos (as you do), when a guy came up to me and asked me whether I believed in Bigfoot.

Like..."Hi, do you believe in Bigfoot"?

"Uhhh, no....I don't", I say.

"I've seen it".

"I don't believe you".

Nice place, I recommend a visit....just keep an eye out for the fruitcakes.


Whenever someone mentions bigfoot. I always just like to spice it up and remind people that every year THOUSANDS of new species are discovered. So maybe one year bigfoot will be one of them!

Not that I believe in bigfoot. But it does go to show that when it comes to life on our own planet, we really know VERY little.
My grandpa has friends that are astronauts (he had a 39 year career at NASA), and they say the world isn't flat. Since they've seen it with their own eyes, I'll believe them.

I live on the moon and visit earth regularly.

Check my avatar....the world ain't flat.
No accounting for people that hear or read something and think it's true without investigating for themselves.
Reminds me of Fox News followers.
As a multiple abductee I now ware a tin foil hat when I drink. Seems strange the aliens only bother me when I`m drunk.
You guys think thats fucked theres like a third of the population that believes the world was made by a magical man on a cloud and we are all decendants of a man and a woman that had 2 sons ? Lol I mean come on who did those 2 screw ? Their mom? Then how come we all aren't the same colour ? Think of society as a train .At the front you have the visionary's and scientist dragging society forward out of the dark ages , behind them are the majority of us with normal brains and common sense urging them on , behind us is that third that are too weak minded and feeble willed to accept their mortality and the consequences of their actions so they subscribe to this wizard of oz all mighty being nonsense , just dragging along like a mighty anchor fighting to hold us back , it would be so easy to pull the pin to those cars and be rid of them but we just can't bring ourselves to do it yet .
Every sailor knows the earth is round. Otherwise you wouldn't see ships drop below the horizon as they sail away. Columbus wasn't guessing...
My work comp doctor spent his weekends chasing Bigfoot. He even showed me a picture he took of a Bigfoot.
It was a brown blob against a background of..... Brown blobs.

This man is a surgeon (who fucked up my hand, it should be known).
You guys think thats fucked theres like a third of the population that believes the world was made by a magical man on a cloud and we are all decendants of a man and a woman that had 2 sons ? Lol I mean come on who did those 2 screw ? Their mom? Then how come we all aren't the same colour ? Think of society as a train .At the front you have the visionary's and scientist dragging society forward out of the dark ages , behind them are the majority of us with normal brains and common sense urging them on , behind us is that third that are too weak minded and feeble willed to accept their mortality and the consequences of their actions so they subscribe to this wizard of oz all mighty being nonsense , just dragging along like a mighty anchor fighting to hold us back , it would be so easy to pull the pin to those cars and be rid of them but we just can't bring ourselves to do it yet .
If you got rid of all the people who believes in a superior being guiding our lives, you would have not much left for your hypothetical train to pull. Maybe a couple cars. Way less than a third.
Seems about time to light a blunt and pass it around lol
I just want to know where the edge is then.... All of todays air flights, ships and travels, certainly somebody would have found the edge..... maybe they did find it and already fallen off ... :D

Cannucky, if your post is referring to God and creation, it's your loss.
No accounting for people that hear or read something and think it's true without investigating for themselves.
Reminds me of Fox News followers.
reminds me of people that believe network news, and newspaper media reporters that stater their opinions instead of the true facts, which they leave out.
I believe it.
It is easy for anyone to prove the earth is flat.
It is all but impossible to prove it is round.
And no I will not argue with you about this either. Your mind is closed about this subject.Only you can unlock it, and only you will decide if or when this might happen.
I used to be like you. I laughed and scorned the idea. My mind was closed, locked up tight.

To each their own but that door swings both ways.

I am an objective person and have done some research into creationism and flat earth theory because I find it interesting. I am not sold on either but to each their own.
If you got rid of all the people who believes in a superior being guiding our lives, you would have not much left for your hypothetical train to pull. Maybe a couple cars. Way less than a third.

what about the rapture ?
My father who has passed away now would argue that man has never been to the moon. He said they had built a place in Nevada to look like they thought the moon would look like.
That was his story anyway
someone tell me the root of the flat earth argument. I did foul up one guys belief that there are not gaping holes at the poles that satellites have recorded: The satellites orbit the earth in a polar orbit and the offset of the earths axis off this polar orbit prevents the satellite from ever flying right over the exact N/S axis point. As these pictures are grafted together to form a picture, there is always a curious round "no-flight" area at both poles that has no coverage. This is not censorship, its just the fact that the polar orbit doesnt take it over that part.
You guys think thats fucked theres like a third of the population that believes the world was made by a magical man on a cloud and we are all decendants of a man and a woman that had 2 sons ? Lol I mean come on who did those 2 screw ? Their mom? Then how come we all aren't the same colour ? Think of society as a train .At the front you have the visionary's and scientist dragging society forward out of the dark ages , behind them are the majority of us with normal brains and common sense urging them on , behind us is that third that are too weak minded and feeble willed to accept their mortality and the consequences of their actions so they subscribe to this wizard of oz all mighty being nonsense , just dragging along like a mighty anchor fighting to hold us back , it would be so easy to pull the pin to those cars and be rid of them but we just can't bring ourselves to do it yet .

It's all explainable. And simple. But you'd never listen.

You have more faith than I do if you think you can from a Big Bang.
Like everyone else, I live where the earth curves. Well at least when I visit the Earth.
reminds me of people that believe network news, and newspaper media reporters that stater their opinions instead of the true facts, which they leave out.

I have been doing in home computer service for the last 20 years so I see a TON of peoples home pages, browser history, emails and contacts.
I see the same garbage go round and round from one computer to another, and another and so on.
Most are older people like us, and it's just dumbfounding what BS these people actually believe because they saw it on their favorite news source. (99% Fox)
THEN they email forward it to all their friends over and over again until they all believe it.
Some even send that crap to me and I reply back with sources for the actual facts, but they won't believe that, because all their friends sent them the same stupid forward.

So please anyone, feel free to disagree with my posts and keep believing the news you watch is truthful and factual news.
It just proves my point.
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