


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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Dawsonville, GA
Don't you guys just hate people who feel like they are entitled to your stuff. Today when i got home my darts and my brothers mustang door was only half way shut (I always take mental photos of my car and my brothers before i go anywhere and nobody will be home). Both glove box's were open and all the stuff on the floor. They did the same to my moms rx-7. Thank God nothing was taken. And if I was home when they did that there would have been no mercy because NOBODY goes in our cars without permission.:angryfir:

And I hope justice will be done soon to those thiefs.
Don't you guys just hate people who feel like they are entitled to your stuff. Today when i got home my darts and my brothers mustang door was only half way shut (I always take mental photos of my car and my brothers before i go anywhere and nobody will be home). Both glove box's were open and all the stuff on the floor. They did the same to my moms rx-7. Thank God nothing was taken. And if I was home when they did that there would have been no mercy because NOBODY goes in our cars without permission.:angryfir:

And I hope justice will be done soon to those thiefs.

That is why I am in the habit of always locking my vehicles no matter where I am and leaving expensive things out of eye site.
That's what i'm going to be doing from now on. But i would never have thought because i live on a private road not even visible from the main road. And our 2 neighbors we have known for 6 years are really great people.
That's what i'm going to be doing from now on. But i would never have thought because i live on a private road not even visible from the main road. And our 2 neighbors we have known for 6 years are really great people.

It is just bad and getting worse with theives. I have lost stuff when I wasn't home from the parts cars. When I crushed cars I had one guy get off with 10 full sets of near new tires. I caught him and he went to prison over a bunch of thefts. He had to pay full restitution when he got out.
Its best if you leave them unlocked with nothing of any wealth in them. I work at a auto glass center and we replace a pretty good amount of door glasses because of people breaking them. We see alot of young people's cars getting broke into because they always have something valuable inside the vehicles. For instance a nice stereo system. Guy brought his sons truck to have new door glass installed. He told his son not to be playing is stereo loud but you know how long that lasted. They broke in his truck stole the amp, subwoofers, head unit, tweeters, speakers, cash, and a pistol. I installed the door glass and let me tell you.... that truck was messed up on the inside. He was playing the audio system loud and he became a marked man. He just let his guard down I suppose.
We get a few fishermen too. They lock there trucks up at the boat ramps and they get busted into. We tell them to take everything out and leave it unlocked. My good friend of mine is a big time bass fisherman and he told me that's what he does.
Lady hid her purse under the seat at church and when she came back out she saw her busted door glass. Somebody was watching.
i can't stand people who steal. i think they need to get a job and get money to buy things instead of taking stuff from people who work hard so they can buy that stuff.
Its happened a few times in our neighborhood. I come out in the morning and find my console open as well as the glove compartment. Mostly kids stealing change but last time they got my 3 yr old cell phone which I left in the car. That was more of an inconvenience because I use it for work and had to wait a few days for another one. My fault for leaving the car unlocked. We also found a few garmin GPS units on the lawn a few doors down. I guess the idiots figured those would be harder to sell. Thing is if you catch one of the little pricks and lay a beating on get charged.
We sometime's don't like people that we don't know good or never met........ but sometime's, it's not the person that come's to visit you, it is the other people that they know. We will let people visit here, as long as they have an appt. and we give them a one hour lead time, either before or after the set time, and if they can't be there on time, just call. To many time waster's out there anymore, and I think this way is fair for all. It's to bad you can't trust anyone anymore, even tho there are still lot's of good people out there. We just got home from the Chrysler's at Carlisle show this morning, but we had spoken to my neighbor's across the street before we left, and they alway's watch over the place anyway. I told him that we supported him in everyway, and to take the appropriate measure's needed to do so. I hope they find the person(s) responsible for messing with your private property! Good luck.
I used to leave all my "classics" unlocked (with the windows down, if practical), because NOTHING inside was worth as much as a window.
i can't stand people who steal. i think they need to get a job and get money to buy things instead of taking stuff from people who work hard so they can buy that stuff.

Well they are on crack, meth, etc.... they can't get a job because they can't stay sober long enough to keep a job much less pass a drug test.

I'm a recovering alcoholic and addict. I was addicted to cocaine and I did things in which I would have never done if I was a stone sober human being. I stole from my mom a couple of times but never stole from the public because I didn't want to go to jail. I wrote some bad checks but I collected them before they went through. It's hard to describe what it is like being addicted to something like that. An addict doesn't really care about himself mentally or physically.... or about their family.... just want that next fix is all that goes through the mind. I've been off of it for 11 years now so far.
Thing is if you catch one of the little pricks and lay a beating on get charged.
Had a discussion a while back with a AZ DPS officer. He was telling me that if you observe someone stealing your stuff and you go after them you will be the one having charges pressed against you.....pretty sad when a thief has more "rights" than an honest citizen.....
We have had stuff stolen from us twice. The first time I had a complete 440 stolen, second time it was a bunch of garden tools and a hand truck off our back porch. Worthless trash, I was really suprised they took tools because thats something you would have to do work with.
Had a discussion a while back with a AZ DPS officer. He was telling me that if you observe someone stealing your stuff and you go after them you will be the one having charges pressed against you.....pretty sad when a thief has more "rights" than an honest citizen.....

I Love Texas! A man's car is his castle and you can light up anyone found rummaging through your car.

"An armed society is a polite society."
I Love Texas! A man's car is his castle and you can light up anyone found rummaging through your car.

"An armed society is a polite society."

We have that here in SC but you have to be in the vehicle. Like someone trying to get into your car while you're sitting in it. I have never heard of any state having it where you just can shoot someone messing around in your car or stealing items. Are you sure that's correct? I'd hate to see go to jail.
At the height of the recession in 2009, people were pulling into my driveway and taking things from my yard as though I had a sign in my yard saying everything was free for the taking. I had a lawn mower taken from my back yard, my wife's bike was taken from the front yard, our lawn chairs disappeared, some lady pulled into my driveway and took our cat, and I caught another woman trying to take my dog while he was outside doing his business.

What's sad is, this is not a low income area. The lady I caught trying to take our dog was your stereotypical yuppie female. They just don't give a fat rat about anyone's property. They're used to taking whatever they want.
Wow I hate people who steal.
When I was young and poor, I washed dishes at a restaurant and fixed random cars for people. Kept me fed and roof over my head.

Start chopping off arms and legs, see how long this stealing fad lasts.

I just go outside randomly a night and day and fire of a few rounds at some targets in the yard to educate anybody out on the hi-way or creeping around in the woods about my status on the 2nd amendment.

When I lived in the city, I had about 8 motion lights on my house, each with a pair of 90 watt bulbs in there. I had a good quality surveillance system. I left one small portch light on front and back, so it was conservatively lit. Some kids walked thru my yard one night and liked to died cause everywhere they went 180 watts of flood lights were flipping on and blasting their drunken asses right in the face.
