Things I do at car shows

My wife and I love going to the monthly Cruise-In at our local Diner and we only go

to the other clubs cruse- in's in the area (most of theirs are boring) we did go to a show
2 weeks ago, one of the clubs put on for needy kids, brings up a question where
do they find these judges, they picked a 55 cheby with a 283 (someone had put in it) as the muscle car of the show. LOL
We take chairs, cooler and go to hang out with friends, ignore the snobs. It's all about the fun & friends for us when we go to Carlisle or the Nats, even though the Oldies (74 Charger & her 68 Formula S) are not road worthy at this point - we take the Ram, this year we'll take her new Charger. The people who make it about the trophy always seem to be miserable win or not!
Check out Memike's face up there with the ladies. LOL.
You dawg!!!! ha, ha.,,,very nice, if they only knew right Mike? LOL.
There are golf pro's, there are race pro's, there are ball pro's.....just look at the confidence on Memike's face......he's a pro wit da ladies. ha, ha.
Thank you spaz I lmao this morning reading your post :cheers:

I agree! Just hope the "refs" in picture don't give Mike a technical foul or 5 yard penalty for "backfield in motion" or "illegal use of the hands" LOL!!!:cheers:
You so funny :happy10:
I was getting poked buy two missels =P~ My wife was about to throw a flag on them :happy10:

:snakeman::snakeman::cheers::cheers: He got game LOL
I don't miss a chance at a good ferm smile and a photo opt with any babe ready to get there picture taken =P~ It sure made me feel young!! ger =P~ memike so bad :happy10: Thank you Chuck 8)
Yes I do here is the link I am not in the commercial, they used an actor but the car is mine.
YouTube- Sheetz "Good Love" HD60

Dude, that video is friggin hilarious!!!!

Glad you got your car in there, that's sure better than a car show trophy any day.

Maybe set up the computer under your hood playing the video over and over again at the car show next time.
You may not get a trophy by the stuffy, narrow brained judges but you will probably get some attention from "Da' ladiezzzz." ask Memike how it's done, yuk, yuk.
Thank you spaz I lmao this morning reading your post

Glad to help. ha, ha.

I bet you walked away from those babes looking like someone threw a Zulu spear at your *** at 100 MPH.

Then you can tell Treva you just needed a place to hang your hat is all.
Some of the junk comes with the territory. So I've divided it into what I like to do and what I don't like to do.

Things I like to do at car shows:
  1. Take pictures of cars and people.
  2. Hang out with old buddies.
  3. Meet new people who have similar interests. It has been a real kick to walk around with someone and help them appreciate the other cars in the show, as well as mine.
  4. Look at the cars - to get ideas I might want to incorporate. It is also a kick for me to be invited over to look at another car and be asked for suggestions.
  5. Look at the ladies - a good form, a pretty smile, and a sunny disposition are ageless. Thanks for coming to the show.
  6. Check out the vendors tables/swap stuff - usually late in the day, unless there's something I HAVE TO GET.
  7. Have my car judged - Sometimes, I like to see how a critic responds to my work. Sometimes, I like to/get to judge.
  8. Encourage young guns. When something is good, say so. Offer helpful suggestions. (I remember when I had more time than talent or money.)
Things I don't like to do at car shows:
  1. Chase uncontrolled kids off my ride. I'll let them in with Mom and Dad supervising for photo ops and such.
  2. Listen to some dweeb go on ad nauseum. The ones I dislike most are the ones that didn't bring or don't have a car in the show.
  3. See a car come out of an enclosed trailer, get judged, and go back in the trailer.
  4. Be concerned about some self-absorbed person damaging one of the cars.
  5. See people being disrespectful towards those who have gone to the trouble to clean up their car and show it.
  6. Clean up after those who are dropping trash, not picking up after kids and pets, etc.
  7. See anything in the swap meet labeled "RARE". It doesn't make we want it more or want to pay more for it. My cars are 37 & 38 years old. Don't insult my intelligence.
  8. Say goodbye when I'm having a good time.